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Just a quicky

Good evening everyone


Not a big thing, I'm going in on Tuesday for an operation to remove my lump.  So far no sign of imminent danger, so relieved to an extent, but will be happier on Tuesday 2016-08-16 when it is removed.


So not all smile, but some sort of smile and a grin after having a bowl of comfort food.  Can't beat chocmint ice cream.  For once a male doc that wants to learn more.


Here's to queer cheers, hell whatever kind of cheers you want to give works.


Oooh was told by my non biological child, he loves my laugh.  I'm talking about my ugly laugh, and he says it sounds like I can be the villain in the movies.


Good night my sweets.


Hugs and kisses

Oooh loads of motivation to keep on with your desires to fulfill your dreams.  Hey, can't just the bearer of bad, semi good news.  If I can be strong, so can you, and if you don't have the strength, just lean on me and I'll carry you to safety...




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Very best wishes for you next Tuesday, and know that I will be thinking of you.  Let us know how it goes.



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Hiya Michele. Darling Girl, My Very Sincere Good Wishes, for Tuesday Honey. I Am Keeping Everything Crossed for You. You Know that I WILL Be thinking of You on Tuesday. It Will be Good to get the Operation Done though Young Lady. Michele, Your Kind and Lovely Word's to Everyone, are So Sweet, and So Kind. Michele Sweetheart, Have A Good Weekend Young Lady. Good Luck; Take Care; Big Hugs; And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxxxxxx 

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Hi there


So Monday I'm doing my hair professionally.  What??? Doesn't mean I can't look better then usual for surgery.  Might just meet my dream man.  I'm super calm, he has gained some of my trust.



And no I'm not drinking.


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Hiya Michele. I Have been thinking of You, All Day Today Young Lady. I hope that the Operation Has Been a Success, and I Also Hope, that the Result is NOT bad news. Michele, Take Care Young Lady, And My Very Best Wishes Honey. Big Hugs, Love Stephanie. xxxxxxxx  

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