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Coming out to family

6 months ago i came out to my brother that went great,  week ago to my aunt  that went great and in turn she helped me come out to my grandparents  thast was a surpise went great ,and my sister that went great ,  now  the roller coaster  my parents no so great they are doing the blame game   "  you didn't make the house clean enough blah blah , you did work hard enough make enough money blah blah .....and now i am some evil demi god of hell to them .......... yet  my folks  are hard core bible thumping bigots to start with ,   and they  you are scum if you are not  of the same skin tone  as they are  ... joy yeah  my parent are those type of people  it sucks  i hate it ,  but they where going see me soon any anyhow  as i am heading back to my home state for a vet get together and empty out my firearm safe   i am a vivid shooter and gun collector and gunsmith in training ... my Aunt helped  but still this was not a easy thing to do , yet i kne it would go south fast  as did she  but she thought it might be better to let them know before i show up this week  so they can process it some  ,  hope i did it right  she did what she thought was right i agreed with her,  but i hate upsetting people and have hard time telling people stuff..  but now from what i gather my parents think i am only going to M  for a pride parde   news to me .. the ups and downs of being your self and free .    side note  E levels are great an T levels extremly low  =  good news  love and hugs ladies and guys


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Just a hug.  I have a related, similar issue with my dad and stepmother, and I hope you family regains their sanity soon.   The things with family is, it's a lottery of random personalities tied together by shared history.  And I have lots of hugs if you need them.

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Yeah thanks, my sister is a trooper she is standing up for me   just off the phone with her ,  says my dad is willing to talk  still in the air on mom yet

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Posted (edited)

Hiya Nicky. Darling Girl, A saying for You. You Can Choose Your Friend's, But Sadly, You Cannot Choose Your Family. Your Friend's - They Are The Family, That You Choose For Yourself. Nicky, I have NOT had any contact, with My Parent's, for almost 19 Year's. Nicky, Briannah is so right, in what She says. Nicky, You can be Very Proud of being the Beautiful; Pretty; Young Lady that You are. Nicky, The People Who Matter, Care ! The People Who Don't Care, Don't Matter ! If Your Family Won't accept You, for You, then They are the One's Who will lose out, on watching You Young Lady, bloom as the Beautiful; Pretty; Rose, that You are ! Nicky, I Am Lucky, that I have the support of My Best Mate, and another Good Mate, as well. Nicky, You Know that You have the Support, of All of Us here at TGGuide. I have been MtoF Transitioning; and Fully; Full-Time; Living; for 16 Month's now. Nicky, You have Blossomed in that time. Nicky, I Am here for You Young Lady. Nicky, Take Care, Big Hugs and Cuddles, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxxxxxx 

Edited by Steph53
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Hi Nicky,

I totally agree with Steph and Brianna. Best wishes. X

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Posted (edited)

Heya Nicky.


Hope the processing went well after the coming out.  Stay strong, the loving ones whom views you as important to them will stick around.




Edited by Michele800226
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Well in my home  state now   will be seeing parents and they want to see me and talk , no yelling or any thing on the phone call last night 

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Update  things went very good no issues yet , but they say this will  take time as they are willing to accept it , even went out for dinner together and talked , i will give them props for trying  and being nice about about everything  .

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Hi Nicky,

That's wonderful that things are going well, and that your parents are trying to be accepting.  It's always nice when someone surprises us (in a good way) with their reaction.  Sending you my wishes that everything continues to go well! :)

Telling my parents is still on my list of things to do.  They're not bible thumpers, but my dad is very much a bigot too.  So I'm not really expecting it to go well, but maybe my parents will surprise me too! :)

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