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Still being me. :)

So between the cats and a very clumsy Bree trying to get the house ready for the holidays, I look like I tried to go ten rounds with a thorn hedge and a few with a hammer, but I'm making progress with everything.  A little triple antibiotic ointment does wonders for cat scratches by the way.  Ocean swimming does better, but I live a couple states away from that option now.  Oh, the days when I was only an hour away and could go all the time and soak up that wonderful water.  I don't know why it works, it just does.  

I swallowed down the lies the dismorphia whispers, and ordered non-stretchy pants in a 30 waist instead of the usual 34, just to see, and they fit.  I did lost more weight, and my pants are not in fact falling off my body becuase they stretched out, but because I stretched in.  Of course, my brain doesn't want to deal with it.  But you can't argue jean shorts sizes.  So then I had Nikki shop for me and got a few more dresses for the boat in the actual right size for me.  And I'm creeping up on my first goal, woman's size 24.  I started at 38, am slowly getting places.

I managed to organize with Nikki's dad and stepmom for an upcoming group vacation, that was fun.  The more people involved in anything the crazier it gets.  But we'll all be somewhere warm and nice on a boat for Nikki's fortieth.  :) 

The house is actually starting to get organized, and I have unloaded tons of junk that I don't have to deal with to keep it clean. :)  Developing new habits to overcome that rough upbringing I whine about. LOL   Some success.  Have learned to make some tasty new things, Nikki is pleased with my efforts on the culinary front definitely.  The living room is ready for the tree to come up tomorrow.   The front house is all done up in lights, a little guady, but hey, I live in a town that has SEVERAL impressively gaudy  houses so mine looks underdone.  Seriously, there are a couple so full of stuff you can't even see the grass under it all.  It's crazy. 

Counting the days til staycation for my birthday and our anniversary (18th), which coincidentally begins right after Nikki's overtime season ends.  Yay!  For four weeks it's basically been work, eat, sleep, and occasionally manage to notice I'm in the house and say hi.  LOL Worked four weeks strait without a day off, poor thing is exhausted.  I'm impressed that he remembers my name at this point!

Hugs to everyone, I hope you all have a glorious holiday whatever you celebrate, even if it's just the celebration of a free day off, and hope everyone has great fun and stays warm if you're not lucky enough to live in the warmer places.  :)



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Hey Bree,

Sincere bravo to your fitting into your new clothes! Very good for you physically and mentally I'm sure. 


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Hey Bree,

Sincere bravo to your fitting into your new clothes! Very good for you physically and mentally I'm sure. 


​Thank you Emma!  I went to the back of my closet, and pulled out an old pair of jeans. I  haven't fit in these things in ages, but I figured what the hey.  The worst that could happen is they don't find and I send myself on a spiral of obsessive failure freakout.  But..I'm in them.  And for the first time in ages my pants aren't falling off since I'd been walking around in patns a full two sizes too big for me like an idiot. LOL  Now I have to go get on the rower for the next six hours or so...but man that cookie butter milkshake was so worth it.  :)

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Dear Bree and Emma,

Am slowly losing weight.  Down from 248 lbs. to 237 lbs.  Today had three of my painter's overalls (for when I create art) altered.

Your friend,




I think I"m going to have a find an alterer, a few of my favorite pieces would be sad to lose and I'd like to hold on to them longer. :)

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