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Well, it didn't have to wait long to get started. This morning while I was chatting with Andrea and Cassandra, the AFLAC District Manager (DM) called to determine my availability and to get the ball rolling. I spent most of the morning filling out paperwork to be signed on with AFLAC and talking to people in the office. So, tomorrow I am in training all day, and then on Friday, I go out with the DM to make some calls and get my feet wet--pun intended. I am excited to start and a bit nervous as well. I believe I can be good at this, but I will feel better after I sell my first policy. I will keep my followers--Monica, Emma, and Chrissy--up to date.



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I didn't mean to publish that just yet. Anyway, I want to say that this has become like a second home on TG Guide. I have enjoyed getting to know Monica, Chrissy, and Emma and appreciate your comments. It will be comforting to have you all along for the ride as I start my new journey. Hugs.

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Selling anything, especially something like insurance, is tough. I sold capital equipment for about five years and I was pretty good at. Why? Because what I was really selling was myself. Be friendly, respectful, and educational. If they don’t want to listen or hear your pitch:

- Is there a better or more convenient time for me to come back to talk?

- Would you mind if I follow up with you again in, say, six months? (Keep short notes so when you do return you can remind them about your previous visit.)

Keep at it and make it fun. When you’re on the phone be sure to stand and smile while you’re speaking. Your voice will be warmer and your energy will come through.


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One more thing, please. Did you ever hear that when you’re selling a drill you’re not selling a tool that holds bits and twirls  them around. What you’re actually selling are holes. The same thing is true for insurance. In this case you’re selling peace of mind. If something unfortunate happens (and we know it does, all too often and to each of us) your customers will be covered financially. Maybe not 100% and it’s true that insurance doesn’t cover emotional distress, at least the effects of monetary loss are reduced when we need it most.

Good luck in your new career. I’m confident you’ll do well.


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Thanks for the encouragement and advice. I was in training all day and will go out with the district manager tomorrow to start making calls. At first, all we are doing is getting an appointment. After that, we can sit down with the business owner and make our presentation. I'll let you know how it goes. I've just got to jump in and get my feet wet. Oh, btw, I did win a duck in training today.LOL

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Dear MichelleLea,

My heart and prayers are with you.  I KNOW you can do it!

Selling insurance is a challenge because you are selling PEACE OF MIND, and it is an abstract concept rather than a concrete object.

Am cheering for you!

Your friend,


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