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Hi All

What a 5 months it has been for me after finally deciding to confront my (at the time crossdressing needs) after almost 60 years of denial, guilt and shame.

Little did I know at the time that, as I write this, I would be on the path to transitioning and living full time as a woman.

My initial thoughts just after Christmas 2017 was to admit and accept that I liked to dress as a woman and that need would be satisfied on a part time basis and in private. I would come out to my family and depending on their reaction would be allowed to do this with their consent or continue in private or (the painful part) go our seperate ways.

As I finally accepted (mid Jan 2018) the need to dress became more urgent and I had become quite obsessive about it to the extent I could think of nothing else. This was confusing and created an enormous amount of conflict.

After one final round of guilt, shame and a complete purge of all of my feminine attire and an absolute determination to end this aspect of my life, I thought I was free of it, My resolve lasted less than 24 hours.

It was at this stage I decided to seek counselling. I made an appointment for mid Feb 2018 to see a specialist in transgender issues. While I waited for the appointment day to arrive I immersed my self in research into all things crossdressing and transgender, I read all I could so I could try to understand what I was. I also began to rebuild my feminine wardrobe and vowed I would never purge, feel guilty or shame again.

About 1 week before my appointment I was driving to the local shops and had a nagging thought racing around my head. As I parked at the shopping centre I found myself just sitting in my car with this thought determined to be heard and voiced. For about 10 minutes I could not bring myself to say a few simple words until they finally broke free. "I am A Woman" I almost shouted them and quickly looked around to make sure no one heard me, and then the dam broke sobbing tears for about 5 minutes before I could pull myself back together.

It was the voicing of this sentence "I am A Woman" that my life and where I was heading all made sense. My thoughts cleared, the internal conflict was erased and I found myself at peace with myself.

By the time I got to see the specialist, the following Saturday, it was not about my problems but an open and frank discussion about being a transgender woman and what my journey would look like from that point forward.

Since then I have come out to my family and friends (mid Feb 2018) and all have been supportive, including my wife ( although we have decided to seperate but will remain friends).

As the days and weeks have passed doubts have pressed forward, this can't be right, how can I be a woman, I am 60 years old, get a grip, be a man, stop this nonsense etc etc. As the weeks have turned into months the doubts have been largely silenced and not only have I accepted that I am A Woman but acceptance has turned to joy and pride as I now know who I am and was meant to be, and my feminine wardrobe has expanded rapidly.

This week on May 15th I visited my Doctor and we have begun the process of me becoming a woman, blood tests have been done and an appointment made to see a Psychiatrist for a formal evaluation, ( my Dr said this is a formality in my case) before I start female hormone therapy.

There no doubt will be many hurdles to jump and tears along the way as well, and I hope, many good moments but I feel mentally stronger and more self assured that I will be able to overcome anything thrown in my way.

Thank you if you have read this far. It is sights and communities like Tgguide.com that remind me I am not alone on this journey and there are many like minded souls out there.

Finally I can live my life as my authentic and true self

Lots of big hugs and kisses Elsa


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Hiya Elsa. I don't Know if You are in the U.K. or U.S.A. !! I Am Stephanie, A 56 Year Old Trans'Female, and I AM in the U.K. I Am now over 3 Year's into My Transition, and I told My Now Estranged Wife, on the Evening of 30th. April, 2015; ( was aged 53 ), and I went the following Morning, ( 1st. May, 2015 ); and Bought loads of Underwear, and Clothes, and Nightwear, and I went Home, and I got changed into My New Clothes, then I went up to London, to Long Tall Sally, to buy Shoes. I went and told My Doctor's ( 67 Day's into My Transition, ) and they contacted The Gender Identity Clinic up in London, that Very Day, ( 25th. June, 2015). I have already had 3 appointment's at The G.I.C.   Elsa, You Should try and find an L.G.B.T. Organisation, or Group, near where You live ! It is something that I Have done, and I Now have a Fairly Good support Network around Me ! You DO need a Support Network ! If You would like to contact Me at all, Please feel free to do so ! If You look at My Profile, it will tell You More ! If I can be of any Help. Or Advice, I will be. Elsa, Good Luck Young Lady. I hope that Everything goes Really Well for You ! Take Care Honey, And My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie.  (Steph53 ). xx 

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Hi Elsa,

Your story parallels mine in so many ways. I just turned 62 last weekend and started HRT 9 months ago while also transitioning to full time living as a woman. Self doubt was also a mainstay companion but those feelings have reduced so much. I’ve never felt better in my life,. I read about people feeling this way before of course and I didn’t really believe it. I thought they were experiencing a euphoria. Now I know that I was incorrect. 

People say we are brave and courageous and at times we are. It’s certainly a Hero’s Journey and I thank goodness I’m living it! 

I hope to read more about your experiences!


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Dear Elsa, Steph and Emma,

Sadly, I am acquainted with a Lesbian woman, who is being forced by her family to "go Straight."

She used to be a "Heavy Butch," with a crew cut and wearing men's clothes. She was forced by her family to wear a feminine wig, until her hair grew out, now wearing a very feminine, curly haircut, dyed blond. Also, she is forced to wear very feminine clothes.

She hates my guts, (she sees me on the bus), harassing me (the police is now involved), because, although I am not "flaming out," I am openly a Lesbian. 

Feel sorry for her, as all her behavior is at the behest of her family, except she takes it a step farther, having a boyfriend or husband. Apparently she was threatened with being disowned by her family. My family stopped short of forcing me to date/marry.

Two deeply closeted Lesbians take me out once or twice a month (one of these times to a women's support group), and trying to help me find a girlfriend (whom I'm told will be deeply closeted, due to where I live).

The fem is an executive secretary, and the butch, in the medical field.

What is the upshot of all of this? Don't live a lie. 

Am on the waitlist for senior public housing in Burlington, VT and Seattle, WA, which may take years. May have to move sight unseen because of my very low income.

For what it's worth, I see the T/LGB community as my family, not my family of origin.

Your friend,



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Hiya Monica. There Is A Very Old, but, True saying:- " You Can Choose Your Friend's, but Sadly, You Cannot Choose Your Family !! Your Friend's However, ARE The Family, Who You Can Choose For Yourself !! " I have A Very Large Extended Blood Family. However, I see My Oldest Son, and My Youngest Son, together, for 2 hour's, just once a month ! I have seen My Middle Son, just 3 times, in a few day’s short of a. Year and a half ! My Now estranged Wife, is Unfortunately, the only other Person I see ! However, I have made a lot of Friend's, since I started My Transition ! They are more of A Family, than My Blood Family, has Ever Been ! Monica, it is so Very Sad, when A Family force somebody to live a lie. This was partly why I did Not start My Transition, until aged 53. However, I do Not look back. Apart from A Recent Cancer, I Am Much Happier and More Contented, than I have ever been before ! Monica, I hope that You also manage to find someone, Sweetheart. Monica, and Emma, and Elsa, Be Happy All of You !! Ladies, Take Care, because I Care, Big Hugs, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. ( Steph53 ). xxxx 

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Hi All


Thank you for your kind words and understanding, I agree Monica you cannot live a lie, this has become so apparent to me over the last 5 months. I am now my true self and I have never felt more complete in my entire life.

Emma I agree while it has taken a lot of courage to finally admit my truth, now that I have I would not change they way I feel now for anyone or thing. I am stronger, more self assured and confident than any time in my life.

Hugs and Kisses Elsa

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