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Ironing Sheets

I used to wonder why my wife would take the time and trouble to iron pillow cases and sheets. Sure, they looked nice when folded in the closet and when first put on the bed. But in two seconds, they would be wrinkled again, and no one would know. But yesterday, I bought a new mattress and today it is being delivered, so I had to strip my old bed to get ready for the new one. Well. I might as well wash my sheets. I tried to use the wrinkle free setting on the dryer which seemed to work pretty well the last time I used it, but no so much this time. The sheets were pretty wrinkly. Not good. I decided it was time that maybe I ironed the sheets. As I did, several thoughts occurred to me. First of all, this was my wife’s “rice bowl” as it were. She had a very creased, tailored, button-down personality, and this was her way of expressing herself. It was her job to make sure that I left the house neat and sharp looking, and the household had to be the same. The second notion was that this was somewhat therapeutic, sort of like mowing the lawn. A sheet is a large expanse of fabric, but it is flat for the most part—contour sheets a little different—and pretty easy to do, unlike shirts which require more skill. I also found it to be very womanly and felt more feminine doing it for some reason. I enjoyed that. This is another step in my progression to live the last years of my life in an increasingly feminine fashion.


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Dear MichelleLea,

Growing up, my mother ironed EVERYTHING, not only sheets and pillow cases, but underwear, too, may God rest her soul.

My Mom double starched Dad's  shirts (double starch spray). She never used regular starch spray. As frugal as my parents were, they regularly spent the money to have clothes dry cleaned. If they could have afforded it, ALL THE CLOTHES for work and church would have been dry cleaned.

Presently, I am content to fold or hang up clothes right out of the dryer! 

Your friend,





Michelle... your wife, Monica's Mum and my Mum musta all been cut from the same cloth.  Like Monica's Mum, mine also IRONED. EVERY. THING.  Sheets, towels, UNDERWEAR.  EVERYthing!  If it came out of the washer, it got ironed.  I will admit though, that she stopped ironing sheets after she started buying "permanent press" sheets.

I had decided it was just a woman thing until today when I read that Monica is content to fold or hang straight outta the dryer.

I think because of my Mum (she made my brother and I iron occassionally), I hate to iron and will iron nothing except my button-up shirts.  For some reason, I gotta have them looking neat, crisp and spiffy.   😊

Maybe a touch of OCD....

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