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Second Day of First Event

Thursday was when people were arriving in groves.  I would estimate that attendance grew from 100 or more to well over 600.  Some workshops were scheduled; I attended  "Work it Girl! Posing to perfection." and "About Face The Alchemy of Make-up".  Both were well presented, I learned a lot that I use now.  I think my make-up has improved ten-fold from before.  Well worth it.💇‍♀️  after dinner, socializing in the lounge and lobby until the Dance party with DG Gregg.  Notably,  met Linda and became instant friends. Had much in common except I would guess she's a little younger.  She tries to visit one Conference each year; her wife is cool with that; is on her tenth or so year, but the amazing thing is she could pass 24/7 365 days a year. Tall, sleek, pretty, (and she confessed to me and I to her, bald.  Beautiful wit, outgoing personality, and lots of fun to be around.  The only time she is out is at conventions. Hooked up again later and at the dance party and she coaxed me to get out on the floor. Now I haven't danced in many, many, many years.  Never really enjoyed it, always felt too rigid, out of place.  Well let me tell you I melted right onto the dance floor, had the time of my life, fell right into my skin, liberated!! Met and had great conversations with another few dozen new friends into the night . 



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Dear Jessica,

You and your friend Linda would be surprised how many cisgender women deal with baldness (usually receding hairlines, bald spots and general thinning of the hair!) Me included on all three forms of balding in women!! 

Your friend,


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Thanks, doesn't bother me at all, too.  Funny both Linda and my therapist asked me if it my hair was my natural😎  And, while I was waiting in line to cash out  a woman in JC Penny in Boston said she loved my highlights.  Also, the plus side, is I can just take it off to just detangle and brush!  ☺️

Your friend, Jessica 

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