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Halloween Home cosplay

A few weeks ago I decided to start making a cosplay - for those who don't know cosplay is taking a (usually) fictional character  that you like and recreating their look, folks who have gone to 'cons will have seen hundreds of them. It is effectively like dresing up for a halloween party, but usually tied to an aspect of geek culture instead of horror.

I was rewatching the RWBY series recently and was struck by the main charcacter Ruby Rose:


Although in the animation she is young she gets punted off to a high school for fighters and spends the 1st season stumbling around trying to find her place with all of this extra pressure and expectations on her; and that resonated with me. It is made in that Japanese stylised way that means every woman would probably have serious back issues, but the aesthetic of the series is fantastic.  She carries around an iconic scythe that is also a gun that shoots magic ammo and can fold down into an easy to carry shape, but I haven't made that! 😳 

I bought the various parts of the costume and then dd a little bit of sewing for her cuffs and then put it all together.

It would work for a party, but not to go out in. As a character she is so niche that I doubt anyone I know would recognise her and I think they would just assume I am a goth little red riding hood. 😆


Here is my unfinished attempt, it is an unflattering angle,but it took me agesto relace the cincher and boots so I wanted them in the photo lol. 

I am not going anywhere in it so it's not really a big deal that it is not quite there, but for my first ever Dee costume I am quite pleased with how it turned out.💖




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