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My First TG Support Group Meeting

I attended my first therapist-led support group last night. In short, it was a very good experience for me and I'm grateful to have found it and their warm welcomes.

There were six of us in all, including the therapist and myself. Three are transitioned transwomen and the fourth is taking hormones, thinks she would like to transition but isn't sure. Three are married and one's wife passed away some years ago. All are well known to each other; some have attended this meeting for more than a decade!

We went around the room introducing ourselves with me allowed to wait until last. They described their journeys, home situation, children/family, and a summary of their transition - especially as it related to acceptance and feedback they received at work.

I appreciated their openness and heartfelt support and although all are either transexual or in transition no one challenged my telling them that I may be remain at the crossdresser end of the transgender umbrella.

My main take-aways:

  • If one wishes to remain happy and married to their significant other we need to recognize that they are going through their own unasked-for transition. Be sensitive to that, don't push or pressure, communicate and allow her to come to terms with the "new you." It's all too easy to be self-centered especially as we're experiencing and enjoying our new freedoms. Try to keep that in check or at least be sensitive to your wife's needs.
  • The therapist provided her metaphor for the transgender journey: a train chugging along the track, unaware of its final destination or distance to travel. We may get off at early or intermediate stations and stay there or get back on the train and continue.
  • I expressed some of my reluctance and ambivalence to ride the train and was advised that I need to swim with the fish to uncover where I'm meant to reside under the umbrella. (Sorry for the incredibly mixed metaphor!)

After the meeting we went to a local restaurant that they always go to - which happens to be one that my wife and I have also gone to often enough in the past that, you got it, the manager recognized me with the group. Full smile as always, warm greeting, and as a bonus, a little extra pour of the cabernet.

This morning it occurs to me that the only regret I have for the meeting is that I'm joining a group and making friends that will likely never include my wife. Still, it was good times and I'm looking forward to the next meeting in early February.


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Congrats Emma. I am glad to hear that your first meeting went so well, and that the people involved are good people. Considering some have been in the group for so long, some of the people could end up being long time friends. Hopefully one day, your wife will decide to check out one of the meetings with you.

Do you think there will be any unwanted, or not-yet-ready-for ripple affects from the restaurant manager recognizing you and seeing you the group?


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Hey Michael,

Regarding the restaurant manager, no, I'm not worried. I'd actually mentioned the possibility of running into someone I knew to my wife and our therapist when we met a couple of days ago; we decided it was going to be - or would be - "no big deal." (Funny how those three little words keep appearing!)


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Thanks for sharing with us Emma, and I really enjoyed the read, well spoken!!!!

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Sounds like the Boise, Idaho meetings,sans the therapist, as we are all in someway a therapist to one another in our own ways.

I am very happy for you. Remember, whether you get on the train or not, whether you ride to the end of the line or get off to shop.. no matter what you do, it's yours to do it with. There is no right or wrong as long as you are owning your decisions. I appreciate what you wrote about the spouses. I am not married, but if I ever get maried, I hope that I will be the kind of husband that wants the best for the family.. and my selfish ways are deferred by comittment and love.

You have a gift of words.

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Emma & All:

I am brand new to the forum, and yours was the first post I saw.

I wish you all of the very best on this journey, and am glad that you have a support group in place.

I just came out and told my wife, and we now have all the "issues" surrounding that. I do not even know if there are any such groups in Charlotte, NC where I am from.

In any event, my well wishes for you!

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Emma, so glad for you that the first meeting was such a positive experience! It's great that you were able to find such a welcoming group of people!

Only one thing I'm not entirely sure of...

Why are there fish on a train?


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