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Paying for Manliness with Gayness

I want my surgery.

There is no other way to word it or describe it.

I. want. it.

I'm tired of waiting, and I'm tired of putting 20$ in my savings box every week or so. It's just not cutting it, and I dont feel like I'm getting anywhere at all.

So, I've decided to try something I have never ever done.

Online Sales.

I'm going to make an ebay account and attempt to sell things online to go towards my surgery box!

So, I tried to evaluate my skills. Drawing is acceptable, but I dread the thought of my art in the hands of others. There's no way I could cope with that.

Sewing? Dreadful.

Knitting? Yeah, right -_- can we say disaster?

Clay works? Nope, that's my sister.

When it comes to creativity, I lack it. Aside from book writing, which everyone knows will not do me any good on ebay since I'm self concious about my work plus I dont see how that would be sell-able without copyrights and all that blahness.

So, I've fallen to something cheap to ship, easy to make, and cheap to do.


Now for me making jewelry (since I've abandoned all girliness) makes me feel extremely gay but I guess that's acceptable being that I'm trans AND bisexual. I'm allowed to be a little gay ;)

But regardless....I NEED IDEAS!!!

I dont know where to start, what to make, anything!!

I plan to go to walmart tomorrow with 40$ out of my surgery savings (got to start somewhere) and buy supplies for getting a few pieces done.

Throw them on ebay and see if I get any bites. If I dont, at least I tried. If I do, EPIC!

But I still need ideas. If you guys have any, let me know, and I'll let everyone know ASAP when I get it up and running.

I'm thinking Warren's Wearables. I dont know, needs work I think.

I had something else I was going to tell you guys but I completely forgot o.o well crap.




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I don't have any jewelry ideas... but I have a suggestion --- if you have a Hobby Lobby nearby somewhere, you might want to compare prices before you buy everything in Walmart. While Wally World does have a lot of things cheaper than in other stores, Hobby Lobby is a hobby store and so may stock many craft items cheaper. I used to do a lot of Native American bead work. I bought probably 98% of my supplies from Hobby Lobby. I don't do much bead work now, but for any project I dream up...I usually head to HL.*

It may also be worthwhile to check online for some items. I don't know anything about jewelry making...but if there is any item that you would use a lot of, you may be able to get that item in bulk, and it could turn out to be cheaper in the longer.

The less you have to spend, the better prices you can offer, the more you can make.


*Yeah, HL is that great little company that apparently doesn't have a whole lotta love for those of us in the TGLB community. Unfortunately however, as a wanna-be-artist, HL is the only place in my area that has a good selection of art and craft materials at a decent price. :(

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Sadly there are no HL's in my area :/ My choices are limited to Walmart and Target that are in my driving range unless I drive about an hour, even then I get Michaels (super expensive) and Kmart. I dont think I'll spend too much to just try this out, and see how it goes. But I will certainly keep the bulk option in the back of my mind in case this works better than I think it will. :P


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Dear Warren,

Etsy is a great site to sell handmade goods. It is the largest in the world.

Suggest you explore the website to get ideas . . . and Amazon sells books on how to sell on Etsy.

Warren, there are many men who make beautiful jewelry. Take a look at Etsy's "success stories," and you will find many of them are men!

Wishing you the best.

Yours truly,


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Dear Warren,

I think that's a great idea! Although I can only imagine how conflicted you must be about designing, making, and marketing such girly things. Too bad that the interest in jewelry for men seems to be so low. But is it? Maybe for men in their 20s? I'm sure you'd know or have a much better feeling for this than I.

If you don't mind, I'd like to provide you with some wisdom on creativity. I've studied a lot about this and have a story to relate.

A pottery class was divided into two groups. The first group was assigned to make one pot for the semester. They were told to make their designs, consider it all very carefully, and then make it. At the end of the semester a committee would judge which one was best.

The other group was advised to make as many pots as they could, every day, every week. They would also choose their best at the end of the semester, to judge which was best.

Maybe it's obvious but the second group won by a landslide. Focusing on perfection doesn't work.

So make jewelry, lots of it. Like writing, don't worry too much about having a complete idea to get started. Just start. Anywhere. Some of it will suck. But maybe some will generate more ideas that you can riff on.

And do it for the fun of it, for the joy you'll be providing your customers. If you create that joy the money will follow.

Best of luck with this,


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Perhaps there is a Saturday market to sell your things at that are normally closed in the winter months but worth investigating.

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