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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2015 in all areas

  1. Why tears. Well I've always been an emotionally strong woman. Yes, strong as in vocalizing what I think and how I do thigs, as well as not needing a Knight to save me I can save him too... I'm a fighter after all. Well in the last month I've been disciplined for not informing my commander about a lone child on street late at night! I asked if that wasn't part and parcel of my work to serve and protect, and if so. Give me a written instruction stating I should leave a defenseless five year olds on the street at 22:00 or anytime when I find a small child unsupervised. Disciplinary actions immediately stopped as no commander wants to be held responsible as the person who instructed members under them to disregard the safety of their community let alone that of children. But yes, that was in an emotional state of, I love children and no one is going to stop me when it comes to the future grown ups, because without them who are going to ensure our safety. Now for my tears... I got angered by family and friends, and my realization has come that only persons I have allocated a space in my heart can bring me to tears. So some apparent reason this has always eluded me. I'm hard, but soft to the touch, easy to look at and a major pain in the butt if need to bring my point over. I've also found that children and animals are a sore point for me when mistreated. Even though I despised my moms dog for wanting to kill my Labrador and almost succeeding and biting me before I went into fighting mode. But that was self preservation on my part, I couldn't bring myself to say I'll miss him as he was euthanized, but started sobbing over Mike the Labrador who passed on years ago. Does this make me emotionally stinted, as I can't comfort someone close to me in grieving. I know I can blame my brother who didn't even allow me to grieve after my father's passing, which ended with my foot in a demanding priests face, as he tried to take something from me. But silent tears still flowed when the missing gets to much. Tears flowing when I'm angry is even worse because that means I want to punch someone., but those also only flows if I care about the person, but I don't want to see or hear from them till I'm ready for that person. The one most of us hate would be tears that makes us revert to wanting to bobe alone. At that time to many emotions are attacking me just want to be alone. Today's was that I wanted to release some anger I'm feeling towards a friend for calling me dumb when I couldnt find a him or the place we were going to. GPS didn't work either, nor the number of the place. Well I'm done with bitching for a bit, let me get ready for Eid as I have Muslim family and friends. Eid Mubarak to all, and have a blessed and heart felt day. Michele is out......
    3 points
  2. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STBv6EIFARw) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op_o2KtQH1c) Warren, aka DH (DubstepHeartbeat)
    2 points
  3. Thanks for sharing and I am sure you are fine with ending the fast, that is if you are traditional.
    1 point
  4. Dear Warren, First, congratulations on your new job! It sounds awesome, and I can tell you're the right awesome guy for it. Good on you, too, that you put yourself out there to get it. I think we all know how hard that can be to do when we are feeling low or oppressed. And I'm sorry to hear about your struggle with saving up for your top surgery as well as the hurtful people you're encountering elsewhere. Doesn't it suck and isn't it amazing how many people like that there are in the world? I can only say that I am so glad we don't suffer such abuse here. Youre awesome, Warren, we all love and support you. Hugs, Emma
    1 point
  5. Warren, I really enjoyed both videos, and the new scenery I'm a big fan of rivers, there are several spots along the Hudson that serve as "quiet places" for me (even if I'm sharing them with 100s of people - it's New York, you get used to that). The timing of your video on pansexualism was especially opportune. I happened to be thinking about that as I was walking here earlier (I'm not sure why exactly). Specifically I started to wonder what the specific difference was between being bisexual and being pansexual. I'm not questioning whether it exists, just curious about the definitions and how they differ, so your video was quite helpful (and made me start to think that I'm pansexual, and that I still live too much with a binary view of the world). xoxo Christie
    1 point
  6. Thanks for sharing, I believe you are an inspiration to many.
    1 point
  7. Hi Karen, I'm a little dissapointed that there seems so many US places that are allegedly transphobic, glad that most of you who blog on TG Guide seem to be ok though. I love the slogan at the end of your entry. When I was last in Luxembourg my friend from The Hague selected a tee shirt for me, which I purchased. I wasn't too sure in which context to take the meaning the slogan which when worn is emblazened across my boobs, but I chose to take the generic meaning rather than the saucy version LoL, however it's so similar to the slogan at the end of your entry, I hope that you don't mind my showing the photo below, and I'd also add that transitioning isn't easy...............and in my case was definately worth doing !................ Cheers, Eve
    1 point
  8. Likewise, and are you one year old or zero years old LoL !
    1 point
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