Hi there! It's nice to meet you, and not knowing someone but stopping to chat is how we get to know people, yes? I'm a cisgender partner of a MtF genderfluid still figuring it out. I use the male gender when I talk about him because that is what Nikki told me he feels is appropriate to us, I just wanted to get that out there because I do understand how important pronouns are and I don't want to come across to someone new like I live in a denial world or am rude to my husband! This place has been so helpful and important to me, I had stumbled through a few forums trying to learn about my new normal after the long secret finally came out, and so many of them it kinda felt like wanted to convince me I didn't matter at all in sorting out this new normal. Only here were people willing to help me learn and also care about my feelings and struggles in the process. People were willing to tell me what I was confused and/or unrealistic about, but they also were willing to tell me what Nikki was also, and that some of the things going on weren't okay. And it was always gentle! I loved that, that we were both treated like people. And Nikki has come to the decision inside himself that transition isn't for him, and that he only had told me that was his decision because he had been presented with the ideology that it was the only solution. But finding others here who live the way he has realized he wants to has been tremendous for him. I like that this board is inclusive of the middle pathers, the fluid, the binary, and the transitioners alike, as well as us partners. And I think it's so important to marriages that partners do have a welcoming place to learn how their life will change and get support. This place was a major factor in my road to morph it from a huge, terrifying thing to my new normal. And, weirdly, this place has hugely helped with my body dismorphic disorder (mostly centered around my face, it's crooked, one entire side droops, was born that way not a stroke aftereffect and my brain can't...deal rationally with it) and my emotional damage from growing up under my father. Which sorta proves the people are people, and human experiences are best shared! Definitely way more alike than unlike, and kindness and connection is definitely the key for everyone to learn to live together on this planet. I wish everyone would learn. We're slowly getting closer than ever I think, because we're working for it, and choosing it. Some things you have to earn, right? It also doesn't hurt that we have flaming examples of terrible relationships around us to remind us of things. The kind where neither partner shows any consideration for the other, and the growing rifts between them was a wakeup call that it's easy to do that, and it's not easy to be proactive about it, but I want Nikki around. Even if his hair and face are way better than mine! LOL