Thanks for that information! The timing matches up pretty well with mine - surgery is scheduled for Tuesday morning, I was told to be at the hospital at 10:30 (originally 6 a.m., but it got moved). Then I should be out on Friday, with a follow-up appointment with Dr. Rumer next Tuesday, then home on Wednesday. They suggested staying overnight after the visit to make sure there are no issues with dilation. I'll be staying at Homes2 Suite (or Home 2 Suites) tomorrow night and then after the surgery - the rooms all have kitchen facilities and it's pretty close to the hospital (an 8 minute walk - obviously I won't be walking back, but I can walk to the hospital on Tuesday). I got some unscented feminine wipes, but they didn't mention the KY - that is something I should probably get, and the donut pillow is a great idea! I'll try to get one in Philly when I get down there tomorrow. My train ride back next week is about 2 hours, that's probably comparable to what you had in terms of your return flight? I don't know if I ever mentioned that I saw Marci Bowers speak when I went to the Transgender Health Conference last year? It was a full room and a good presentation! The fullness of the room was partly because they only gave her 1 time slot this year, not the usual 2, so she had to cover M2F and F2M in the same session.