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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. Welcome to TGGuide

  3. Dropped by to say hi :)

  4. Lori

    Welcome to TGGuide

  5. Welcome to TGGuide

  6. Lori

    Dropped by to say hello Gary

  7. Welcome to TGGuide

  8. Good luck at your appointment!

  9. Very interesting. You know, sometimes I do miss the ability to be male and do male things with the guys. Of course, I wouldn't want to go back to being male. I love riding my Harley, playing poker, participating in sports and some other predominantly male activities. I've found a way to enjoy just about everything I want to do though. I just find it interesting that I'm viewed so differently being a woman participating in male dominated activities. My experience may be a little different since I am pretty much in stealth mode. I find that I blend very well with the lesbian scene. Gay guys don't want much to do with me although I do have gay friends. And fortunately I'm able to blend into the mainstream fairly easily.
  10. Lori

    I found her!

    Interesting blog post Crysti. Thanks for sharing it. I remember early in transition having to relearn the nonverbal communication that goes on between women and men, based on your gender presentation. At first I considered the possibility that I was being read by women but then I discovered that women often look at each other either admiringly or sometimes with a touch of jealousy or contempt. It was also interesting how men and women exchange those quick little glances to check each other out. I learned very quickly not to make eye contact or look too long at another woman's man. If we pay attention, there is a lot to be learned from the nonverbal communication that goes on between men and women in our society. Much of it is based on gender roles and the social norms on how to relate to each other. I did my best to learn from the nonverbal communication and figure out how I could best fit in.
  11. Welcome to TGGuide

  12. Welcome to TGGuide

  13. Lori

    Welcome to TGGuide

  14. Welcome to TGGuide

  15. Nice pictures in your gallery

  16. Lori

    Welcome to TGGuide

  17. Welcome to TGGuide

  18. Welcome to TGGuide

  19. Welcome to TGGuide

  20. Happy Birthday!

  21. Welcome to TGGuide

  22. Dropped by your profile to say hello :)

  23. Welcome to TGGuide

  24. Dropped by to say hello :)

  25. Welcome to TGGuide

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