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Transgender Message Forum


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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Lori

    Sorry So Sorry....

    Hi Steph, I hope everything is working out and that you're hanging in there. Good luck with your plans to return to school. That sounds exciting! Hugs, Lori
  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. Welcome to TGGuide!

  4. Lori

    Welcome to TGGuide!

  5. Welcome to TGGuide!

  6. Welcome to TGGuide!

  7. Welcome to TGGuide!

  8. Welcome to TGGuide!

  9. Welcome to TGGuide!

  10. Happy Birthday!

  11. Lori


    I can relate so deeply to so much of what you say. It seems to me it was a different time when we were growing up. It wasn't so easy to find resources or support. In my case, conservative adults in my life would have likely made my life intolerable if I had come out. I was so confused I didn't know what I was anyway. So much of life, I believe, is about self-acceptance and being able to enjoy the things you do have, and those things in turn create the hope that carries you into tomorrow. I'm glad you have someone to share love, and hope.
  12. Just dropped by to say hi!

  13. Welcome to TGGuide!

  14. Lori

    Happy Birthday!

  15. Happy Birthday!

  16. Happy Birthday!

  17. Welcome to TGGuide!

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