As many look back at 2010, I decided to write a short update on what I hope to achieve in the coming year.
So in approximate order through 2011
Divorce - I've been totally separated for two years com the 5th of January so under UK law divorce becomes a lot easier. I will of course ensure the support for my two children will continue, especially the youngest who is seventeen. GRC - After 2 years of real life experience is up on the 23rd of May I will apply for my Gender Recognition Certificate, if granted I will have full female legal status SRS - Around November I will have been on hormones for a year, will have done more than 2 years RLE so I will be pushing to have the SRS done before the year is out. I would like to have it before Mid October as then I would be fully female at fifty! (fingers crossed)
I'm sure more than that will happen in 2011, but those are top of my wish list.
Wishing all those who read this blog, both of you , the very best of luck in achieving your goals too.
Caroline x x x