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Everything posted by freshstreams

  1. back in school today... hairspray auditions after school.... and...... i remembered the intro tp the amazing jeckel brothers;)

    1. UsernameOptional


      Don't get into anymore fights...

    2. freshstreams


      My horomones are having a fight in my body, I'm always angry. I can't promise you I won't.

  2. suspended for three days.... z.z

    1. Lori


      Hope you're ok...

    2. UsernameOptional
    3. freshstreams


      I got into a fight with someone in food science because he decided to say fä@#*$, pretty much freaked out and started yelling at him for it, he punched me, so i punched back, and it was back and forth until security came and broke us up.

  3. suspended for three days.... z.z

  4. drugs are bad kids. just letting you know.

  5. Oh So you think you know me now have you forgotten howm how you've made me feel when you drag my spirit down?

    1. Lori


      Don't let 'em get you down (((hugs)))

  6. Hey jessica you're so funny you've got teeth just like bugs bunny

  7. I pretty much ate all the "Holiday" oreos...

  8. I just came out to pretty much my whole family.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. UsernameOptional


      Let us know how it went? Good material for a post...

    3. freshstreams


      I shall post it...

      But it wasn't so positive.

    4. MsBeth


      Well Vick if you ever need to vent in a private message, please do ... sadly I understand. I came out just after Christmas two years ago ...

  9. I just came out to pretty much my whole family.

  10. I'm auditioning for a role in Hairspray.

  11. You're so indie rock it's almost art...

  12. On my way to school :D I didn't finish my criminology project so my group MIGHT kick my ass.

  13. I want some soup...

    1. Lori


      Coming right up... :)

    2. freshstreams


      Yay :D.... I hope we have cheese left.

      I'm seriously in the mood for some chicken ramen with cheddar :D

      That'll be my breakfast. A growing boy needs his nutrients :3

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