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Blog Comments posted by WarrenG

  1. Warren,

    May I ask you, how large are your mother's, aunts' and sisters' breasts?  If they are large, yours will tend to be, too.  If you have a double mastectomy, if large breasts run in the family, you will want to make sure the surgeon knows this, as she or he would want to remove as much breast tissue as possible, because they can continue growing, requiring a second double mastectomy.  Also, I suspect, if your father, brothers, and uncles have "male boobs," this will reinforce this tendency.  

    Karen, I believe Medicare is a FEDERAL program, and is the same in all fifty states.  Medicaid, which takes care of the 20% Medicare co-pay for some patients, varies from state to state.

    There are some hospitals overseas that offer significant savings, but I fear even if some of these hospitals are well-run, that problems can occur after the patient returns home, and of course, the patient would have difficulty returning to resolve the problem.

    Wish I had answers . . .

    Yours truly,


    ​Sadly large bust sizes DO run in the family. As of right now, I am a 44DDD. I'm not sure about the male side of my family since my father passed away when I was young, and I never bothered to remember those details of him :P And I cant base anything off my 18yr old brother because he's always been built like a twig. But I'll be sure the surgeon is aware IF I get to that point. I did just get a letter of acceptance for insurance but talk to my agent at the hospital about it tomorrow, so I'll keep you all updated. 

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  2. Warren, I can understand your frustrations to some extent and wish there was someway the system (thinking about say Medicare) could get you this surgery either for no charge or a greatly reduced charge. If you don't mind me asking, what state offers this for half the price?


    ​None within my reach :/ everything is either Florida or California area.

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  3. Anyway I liked your video, you seemed very cute (no I'm not coming on to you!) & serious at the same time. Have you tried a Gynecomastia vest as a binding? Not sure if you are aware of them or not, but just in case you aren't;

    • They are a vest that is made from a very strong elasticated material designed to hide breasts or moobs (Men sometimes gain breasts, usually when young or when older, it's called Gynecomastia caused by hormonal imbalances).
    • The material is similar to the stretchy sides of a bra but far stronger.

    I used one whilst I was taking oestrogen for 18 months or so at times when I needed to maintain my former male identity, of course in the end I hated the damned thing, but it was extremely effective. 

    Cheers Eve



    ​Firstly, thank you ^_^ I try to post videos weekly so feel free to browse around. Second, thank you for the input ^_^ and THIRD, I have looked into a Gynecomastia Vest, but they costed too much so I hadnt had the opportunity to try one. I'll keep it in mind though!! Feel free to comment on the video with that info for others ^_^ 



    Nice to meet you!

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  4. Dear Warren,

    You are in a VERY toxic environment.  It seems she see you as the most vulnerable person in her life, so she dumps on you.

    Am concerned that, as a man, you are establishing a history of allowing a woman to boss you about.  Fear you may become a milque toast, and I have seen such men, not having respect for themselves.

    Am praying you get the job in security, as I think you would be very good at it.  

    May I ask, does this happen in front of your boyfriend?  Does he give you support in this, at least in private?

    She may be angry because if you identify as a man, she will see her son as a Gaymale.  Sounds like she is extremely homophobic.

    First things first.  Do everything you can to get a good job and KEEP IT.  Never leave a job until you have another one waiting, as you want to avoid gaps in your resume.

    Challenge you to write a Pro/Con sheet . . . one for "If I Stay," and another for "If I Leave."

    Example of a Pro/Con sheet:


                                                                              IF I STAY


                                                                PRO                                                                   CON

    I live here rent free                                                                               I am abused regularly

    The location is near my work                                                               I don't like her cooking

    She does my laundry                                                                           She humiliates me in front of others


    If the "con" list is twice, three times or four times longer than the "pro" list, then I think your gut is speaking to you loud and clear.

    About living "rent free."  First, you always want to pay rent of some kind for your self-respect (even if "rent-free" is offered to you). Second, YOU ALWAYS PAY RENT, IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER, even as being someone's emotional punching bag.

    In my opinion, your job is to become employed and STAY employed.  A job is more than a paycheck . . . it is a source of self-esteem!

    Warren, you are in my prayers.  YOU DESERVE GOOD THINGS IN YOUR LIFE!

    Your friend,



    ​Hey Monica,

    Yeah we do pay rent, about 450$ a month plus 200$ in cellphone and another 50$ in car insurance. Justin does support me in private, but says nothing when she shoves me around. She is VERY homophobic and all I've heard lately is how "stupid" marriage equality is and how "disgusting" that "bruce" caitlyn jenner is.....Im SICK of it. 

    Aside from that the interview went....okay....not great but not horrible. They said they'd call by the end of the week, but they double checked my name vs who I was. I think the trans thing threw them off a little, and they're looking for someone older or experienced. We'll see.

    I've done a pro's and cons list and I literally only have like....3 things on the pros and 12 things on the cons.

    Today I came home from all my running around to find my bedroom door wide open, my native american medicine wheel and safe guard disk on the hall flew chewed up by a cat, and half my razors gone. They do this constantly and I'm ready to put a goddamn padlock on my door >.> 


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  5. Warren,

    You need to take your meds. There is nothing professional help can do for you if you do not.

    If you can leave your room and your house everyday for a while, please do. I feel like there are others around you, in your community, who could benefit from your experience.


    I refuse to take medication that is only making me worse, or doing nothing at all. No point in filling my body with toxins if I have no benefit from it whatsoever.

    And I have nowhere to go, and no funds to do it. I step out of my room and am instantly degraded and made to feel like shit. No one benefits from my experience because no on in my community or around me give a s*** that I exist. Theyd rather i disappeared than to have a transgender in their town/state/lives

  6. Well now I have proof, and these are from the worldwide transgender surgery guide pages. There's no way they can say they dont apply in my state. It's WORLD WIDE. So....they can bite me XD although I'd still have to have a letter from a Gender therapist before I can do it, which is reasonable I guess. So I'm waiting to hear from the insurance people to see if I was accepted for insurance, then I'll contact a Gender Therapist and start talking to them about transition. If they approve it, all I'll have left to do is earn the money. :P

    Still have the whole gofundme thing running but I dont see it going too too far. The little bit in it does help like crazy, but I still have a good 8k to earn lol. We'll get there!


    • Like 4
  7. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvix8PtHXNw)))

    Hopefully that doesnt go to the full video screen like it kept doing >.<

    In regards to a new job, no, not yet. As of right now, I have applied to 19 places and none have taken a bite :/ with time though, I suppose. Otherwise, I do have a few papers I'll post to a blog for you guys later, cant remember if I showed you but I got pretty excited about them :P

    With love,


    • Like 1
  8. I didnt actually draw the cartoon, was something I found, but thanks! :P 

    We're gonna try again for the beach next friday maybe, still in debate. Hopefully we can! I soooooo wanna go :( As for the HRT, I agree. Sounds like crap. I plan to call and talk to a surgeon when I get the chance this week, and although I cant make any plans until I have a job, it's worth looking into.


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  9. Ask you therapist to write a letter for you, that tells about her (his?) knowledge of you, your transgender status, and your valid need for your surgery. Then, copy that letter (keep the original!) and bring the copy to the meeting to give to them for your file. Hugs, Emma

    It was actually my doctor who recommended it but that is a fantastic idea!!! I might call her up today and ask that of her! ^_^ Thanks! And I actually am a writer but mostly medieval/fantasy/romance/horror XD

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  10. Sounds epic, Veronica ;) And thanks!

    Christie, thanks :) it was a rather sudden and tragic start to my teen years but we all got through it alright :)

    In fact, the other night I had a very comforting dream about him and we talked about the transgender situation.

    It certainly made me feel much better, even if it was only a dream ^_^

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  11. I have a crow and wolf on my back, with a triqua in the center with "Abaachii k'eh" and "Eire go braugh" (apache way and ireland forever, i believe) and a wolf on my leg with wings that says "mathair m'aingael coimhdeachla" in gaelic. Meaning "my father, my guardian angel" for my father who passed away when I was 12

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  12. First off, what cracks me up was my birth name was Kristy G. Just a tidbit that I found humorous :P

    On another note, you were correct. And I've recently found a quote from Mark Twain that I'd like to one day get tattooed upon my scarred bicep from self harm, that you might also enjoy.

    "Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably; and NEVER regret anything that makes you SMILE" Mark Twain

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  13. today I'm actually trying to focus on what I have that I dont want or need anymore, and figuring out how to sell them for $ for my surgery. I've reached over 1k$ saved for my surgery, but thats a long way away from 8k lol so I'm working on that jewelry I talked about and sorting old figurines, and finally....THROWING AWAY ALL THAT MAKEUP!!!!

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