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Lasering is a bitch

Hi all


I know, it's all part of the transition.  But does laser hair removal have to sting this much???


Okay, so I did it a few minutes ago.  Stung a bit, but I've found better results if you don't shave beforehand.  It's also not like I have hair popping out like daisies on my face and neck.  It is still like a little blotch I've here and there.  I last shaved on Friday, because of a round trip from Cape Town to Upington (over a1000miles) and back.  Didn't think we wouldn't not sleep for a few hours at least and use a bathroom to freshen up.  But instead, we had family time and shopping before getting back into the car (Chevrolet Spark 1.2L, 60kW or 80hp isn't all that much I agree, but the drive was comfortable enough).  Got back and basically just stripped and washed before getting in bed and sleeping the time away.


So I lasered my face around 15:00 doing my whole face with the home kit, seeing that there is no salon close to where I live.  Torture myself you say, yes I did, and less the 5 minutes later I was done, at the salon if you show pain they st, so takes about 15 minutes at one.


I didn't take the highest setting because, 3 weeks back it left my skin irritated and looking like I was assaulted by my man.  Therefore I moved to the middle setting to not look like a battered wife.


I was thinking that if it even leaves me with a light fluff it would be alright, and then I can have electrolysis done to work out that last few kinks of fluff, but if it removes like everything, I'll be elated.


I know it is a small fortune to spend on the home equipment or to go to the salon.  But this way, I can zap areas I would feel uncomfortable to open up for other people.  Yes I'm shy to the max.


What do you think of the amount of hair still left behind on my face?


It should hopefully be gone by June or July, but this is a home kit, so might take longer.  Let me know if you would do this to yourself or not.



Be safe and look after yourselves ladies.


Big hugs and smooches



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Looks like it is working. i plan on saving up one a home kit  ,  nothing in my area so for for hair removal so   seems my only option 

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So um how bad does it sting?   Was considering getting my um. .. Personal bits done after Nikki gets his face once we save up. 


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Hiya Michele. You have a lovely complexion. You are a very Beautiful Young Lady, and You can be very Proud of Yourself. I Am going to have to find out how much the home laser kit's are, here in the U.K. Michele, Take Care Honey, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xx 

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Hi there


On a level of 1 to 10, I feel pain about 3 levels lower then someone else which was around 5 levels lower before HRT.  Reason I know this is, I can tell you my migraines started but it doesn't effect me at all, and for the plain fact that I refused to go into a theater to have a biopsy in 2011 and insisted the doc go into my chest while I am sitting on the bed in the ward.  He said it was irregular but should be capable of being done, and all I did was giggle once the med's worked out.  So safest to know if you feel pain a lot for anything or if you have a high pain tolerance, then you know you can do it or not.


I was exhausted and basically just arrived from a round trip of over 1000miles which we basically rested in the car for and didn't even get to sleep after the kids were dropped, till we were home.


Enjoy the Easter Weekend.  I'm on standby this weekend and next.


Hugs and Kisses


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Oh goodness.  I may have to suck it up and be brave, my excema and hair on the personal bits are not playing nice.  But I have zero tolerance for skin pain levels unlike the internal stuff where I just whimpered a bit with intesting caught in a hernia, I confess and will likely be wailing pitiously the whole time and that poor tech would go home if I did go and be all "You would not believe the baby on my table today!" LOL

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Try a creme before the time, it numbs the are you are going to laser, but I can't for the love of pizza I can never remember the name of ththat blooming creme

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