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Rough week.

So last week sucked, lost our Yuriko.  The day of her vet appointment she was having seizure after seizure and we knew we were definitely taking her to the Final Visit, no hail mary last minute outs for my little kitty girl.  The offspring met us at the vet's to say goodbye and be with her as she went.  Horribly painful thing to do, but watching her the way she was was worse.  Nikki has been incredibly down and not much I do can help until time does it's work here. 

Talked with Nikki about my stresses about going back to housewife, and he calmed my freakout that he secretly hated me and the lifestyle changes we have to make to support it.  A lot of them will actually be supportive of getting healthier in general, so he's perfectly happy with it and having access to me at all times he's not at work.  I believe he's lookiing forward to having full weekends with me again instead of just one day a week where he has to get up early the next day so sleeps part of it away. 

I'm getting excited as the appointment for the antidepressants gets closer.  I have no firm expectations, but there is a hope that my happy bouncy Nikki will come back a little bit.  Depression can be contagious, and I'm working hard to keep my own self internally healthy so that we don't have two big Depression issues going on at the same time. 

Things between us are almost back to where they used to be.  I have adjusted to the changes in our life, and the only thing standing in the way now is his depression.  Oh, the corset is on the chair.  I think I'm about to be squeezed into his corset, he wants to see what it dose for my hernia if it's better support for the hernia than the girdles.  Obviously if it is good and works, I will pretty much only be doing that when he's going to be home to both get me in and get me out.  I am aware that people DO manage to get into and out of these things alone, however, I also know I am inherently clumsy with hand-brain issues and I can't even tie a simple bow behind my back for my jumper dress, let alone pull and tie a corset on. 

Relief, no, my turn in that thing is soon but not today, as I already expressed some abdominal irritation to him.  It's going on him.  Isn't that silly that I'm scared of corsets?  I think I still have a Victorian crazy image in my subconscious that I'll be laced in so tight I can't breath, and I know rationally Nikki would never do that, but rooting out subconscious stuff isn't a simple thing.  I might have agreed to let him order me a decorative one for intimate use like an idiot, but he tries to make all my wishes happen, so I can wear one for that without fainting for him.  I'm not entirely convinced the second surgery, when I decide it's a good time to have, is going to completely fix my issue so supportive garments are probably going to be a lifelong choice.

Excuse me, I have to go assure my dog the mailman STILL is not here to murder us all and she can stop barking now please. 

Wouldn't I be surprised if he ever did?


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Hiya Briannah..I Am so Sorry to hear of Your Very Sad Loss. We had one of Our Cat's - Bobby, He passed away at The Veterinary Hospital, almost 3 Year's ago. I had to bring Him home to bury Him. That was the saddest journey, that I have ever made, in My whole life. ( I Cried My Eyes Out, ( Like a Girl, ) the Whole Way Home.  Briannah, and Nikki, My HeartfulHeartful Sincere Deepest Condolences; And My Heartfelt Sincere Deepest Sympathies. Your Poor Little Kitty, is No Longer Suffering; and/or No Longer in Pain. She Is Now In Peace, And At Rest. Briannah, if You don't want to wear a corset, if You have got a spare one, You could always Give it to Me. L.O.L. ( I Am Teasng, By The Way ! ) . I thought that You could Do with a Laugh, Bless Your Heart's. Briannah, and Nikki, Take Care, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxx 


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Yeah, I could.  :)  Spent the last five days crying for my cat, and freaking out about her brother's health, but he's in good shape.  And then I feel guilty that it was Nikki's cat instead of mine, which is stupid because I can't control it and obviously would keep both cats healthy if I could, but the brain does what it wants to do sometimes. 

I'm really scared of the corset thing, but I meant it when I said I would rely on Nikki's judgement and try new things.  So stuffed sausage days here I come! LOL  And I wouldn't say no to some spinal support, I admit that.  So Im trying to be open minded, mixed success. 

Otherwise things are normal here, still waiting for spring to really come so we can put up our pool, still want to kill the neighbors. :)

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Posted (edited)

Bree and Nicki,

I echo Veronica and Stephanie's support and love. Amazing how those little furry things get under our skins, isn't it? We lost a dear kitty last year. I used to love the way she'd jump on my bed, walk up my chest, and gently bump her head on my chin. Really made me feel special, I'll tell you that!

I also hope you find some relief from wearing the corset. Maybe in the context of your needing spinal and core support calling it a "corset" is a misnomer. That word brings up connotations (Victorians, fetish play, etc.) that are so unrelated. Think of it as a big Ace Bandage and give it a try. Sure might help you, I hope.



Edited by EmmaSweet
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Its a great idea Emma but I can't.  After the surgery I had to wear a binder brace to support the healing.  After about a week I started getting twinges in my back.  At the second week I had crippling pain muscle cramps on the sciatic nerve where all I could do was cry until Nikki hauled me to the er.  Apparently the brace was weakening my back and the muscles started cramping on my sciatic nerve.  Spelling on sciatic questionable.  Between the muscle relaxers and painkillers I literally slept for three weeks.   Nikki actually had to force me awake to eat, drink, and bathroom   It was a completely unexpected side effect from a fairly simple hernia surgery   

However, you did just completely clarify the deeper fear than the fainting one lurking in my head that I wasn't looking at by reminding me of this story.  Thank you so much for helping me figure out my tangled up feelings.   That was the worst pain in my life and I really do fear triggering it again deep down.  However realizing that I know to stop at the twinges stage if a problem develops!

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