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What Is It...



About lying in bed, in my long white nightgown, reading, with my legs tucked under the skirt. It's like being at peace with the world, comfortable and cozy, and right. It just feels right.

And that's what they say transgender is. What feels right, what does it for you. It's terribly hard at times to really put ones finger on it and like the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, as soon as you try, it moves, as if it can't be objectively pinned down.

Isn't it weird that something as simple as this could seem so right? I mean, why the big deal? Why does it mean anything at all? It's not erotic or a turn-on. Maybe I'm past that point. But maybe it's also a feeling of how it should have been so many years ago when I should have been a little girl.

But I'll never be a little girl nor a big adult girl either. Maybe I don't have to be so long as it's okay for me from time to time to snuggle in my white nightgown, reading a book, cozy.  Right now it feels very good, very right.


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Posted (edited)

Hiya Emma. When I "Came-Out" as a Fully; Full-Time; Male-to-Female; Transitioning; Transsexual; over 15 1/2 Month's ago, a Few People asked Me, if Wearing Female Undies; Clothing; Footwear; and Nightwear; made Me feel Erotic; and/or Sexy ?  The answer was, No ! Wearing Female Attire, just feels so Right. If I Am Not Wearing Dresses, then I Am Wearing Top's/Blouses and Skirt's, and Vica Versa. But it is just something, that to Me, comes Naturally. I use Female Washroom's/Bathroom's, ( and being Officially Registered Disabled, I can also use Disabled Facilities, if Female one's are Not available. ).  Emma, Never think to Yourself, I should Not be Wearing a Nightie; etc., because if it feels right, then it is right. What I can say, is that Female Undies; Clothing; Footwear; and Nightwear; ARE so much nicer, and so much more comfortable, to wear. I enjoy colour coordinating as well, but sometimes it can also be fun, to wear something which clashes. I Love Wearing Make-Up, as well. Emma, enjoy Wearing what feels right to You Young Lady. If anyone says anything different, ignore Them. Emma, Take Care, Big Hugs; And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxxxxxx 

Edited by Steph53
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Hi Emma, Steph is so right. I just want to support everything she says and share an understanding of where you're coming from. Big hugs. X

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Hi Steph and Chantel,

Thank you for your kind thoughts. I know you're offering sincere support. Last night, like tonight (!) I was just feeling good in my nightgown and was inspired to share those feelings. It's wondrous and delightful that such a little thing can make me feel so good at times. It's such fun, too, to share that joy with friends like you. I'm so grateful that I came across TG Guide and that we have our community.



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Posted (edited)

Hiya Emma. My Favourite Nightie, is a Pretty Pink one, with White Lace Edging. I also have a Favourite Pair of Pyjamas, which are White with Red Flowers on them. I have just bought a Pretty Pink Bra, with matching Pretty Pink Knickers. I have a Blue Bra, and Several Black Bra's with matching Black Knickers. I just Love My Female Undies and Clothes. I have just started using Eye Shadow, but, I have been using Lipstick; Nail-Varnish; and Mascara; for Month's. Emma, whatever feels right for You Young Lady, is right. It Is just Lovely, to fall asleep in a Lovely Nightie or Female Pyjamas. I Am wearing My Favourite Pretty Pink Nightie now. Emma, Take Care Sweetheart, and having Our TGGuide Community, with such Wonderful Friend's as Yourself; Chantel; Michael; Monica; Karen; Stephani; Christie G; Nikki and Briannah; Veronica and Violet; and So Many More; I feel so Lucky, having such Lovely Friend's. Emma, Stay Happy, With My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxxxxxx 

Edited by Steph53
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Just want to let you know I am still here and with you. Yes I started wearing clear nail varnish and mascara first and no one really said anything. I was already wearing girl jeans and underwear. After a while I thought ok and started wearing a little pink lipstick and light brown polish on my toes and stii.no one said anything. Some people just stared a bit longer working out whatever but I have had no big issues out and about. Friends and family however. Some needed time and some still feel uncomfortable. I was told some really negative stuff but it seemed to be more about them than me, not about how I felt or looked but it did make me feel that I was fooling myself and perhaps I should go back. I am pleased I haven't and I now feel a lot more comfortable. I don't ever want to go back. So to you Emma and all my friends, go girls and live your truth. XXX

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Hi Chantel, thank you for your kind support.  I think I miscommunicated in my post or otherwise made you think that wearing a nightgown to bed is unusual for me.  I do it often, actually, but less so in the summer when it's so warm.  And I have quite a wardrobe of feminine clothing that, here again, I wear at home when the mood strikes me which is more often when it's more chilly. I do sometimes wear women's underwear when I go out but I've otherwise not gone out dressed.  For some reason it's not a priority for me. Sure, I'd like to, but then again I'd want to present completely and as well as I could and that seems like it would add so much work to it! I think it's terrific that you are comfortable going out as you describe. I think it's people like you, Steph, and others here who go out and about freely presenting however you would like that put real human selves in front of the cisgender population, letting them see for themselves that there's nothing at all to worry or concern themselves about.


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Ahh thank you Emma, sorry I got the wrong end of the stick. Big hugs. X

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Because comfort is awesome.  Whether it's a favorite nightgown, cozy blanket, or a turtle plush (don't judge, I need my turtle plush to sleep!) there is nothing like physical comfort and coziness. :)

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Posted (edited)

Hi Bree,

You got it exactly. I cherish those moments, and on Thursday evening that was exactly what I felt, cozy and comfortable. I've always been like that, loving curling up and tucking in. My mother told me that I loved the satin edging on my baby blanket so much that I simply wore it out. 

I don't judge your turtle plush whatsoever. But I have no idea what it is! I am giggling to myself at the moment, thinking of a plush green blanket shaped like a turtle, or a stuffed turtle that you can hug and curl up with. 

Getting cozy is a reason I love it when the weather gets chilly. Especially when the wind picks up (not too much) and the bushes and trees are swaying, cold air blowing through the windows. It's wonderful to wear a warmer nightgown and add a comforter to the bed. 


Edited by EmmaSweet
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You got it, it's a giant plush turtle Nikki got me after the plush bear wore out.  :)  I have this stupid sleep disorder, and the cozy comfortable cuddle object convinces my mind I'm not going to be murdered in my sleep and I can relax and drift off.  Brains are such funny things.  But he's soft, cuddly, and awesome and when Nikki gets up in the morning he makes sure I have my turtle becuase he's probably fallen out of bed during the night. 

In the fall we like to hang out on the couch under the soft blankets with the dog and watch movies all cozied up, it's awesome!  It's the only blanket time the dog gets, she's not allowed near the bed because she eats the bedding.  X_X

We got these new, giant, super plush beach towels too, and that feeling wrapping up in one just after getting out of the pool is amazing.  People are always looking for the 'big dramatic moments' but it's the little ones that have a lasting, every day effect in my opinion.

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I love it, Bree! I think it's terrific that you have this giant plush turtle and that it makes you feel good.  That's all that matters my friend, that we have our plushies, our loved ones, a warm and cozy existence, and maybe some chocolate and brandy on the side table.  And for me, a wonderful book or movie or both that I can escape into.  It doesn't get much better than that.

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Mr. Turtle needs restuffed, he's getting a little pancaky.  Poor little dude need some corrective surgery.

One of my favorite things to do is to open up my jigsaw puzzle app on my ipad (so the dang felines can't eat my pieces) and workon a puzzle in my comfy pj's with a movie, tv show, or music. 

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