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Part 6. What if...

What exactly am I looking for if, God forbid, I'm single again.  Being 79 years old, my time is precious on this earth, but that does not mean I can't experience what I've wanted my whole life.

Being a man has ment that I fought the battles, lead the charge, protected the family, was the bread winner and all of that.  I would love a women that is 100% vested in our relationship and my transformation.  A women that takes the lead in all aspects from day to day, to sex, to my transformation.
We need to have a 50/50 relationship except her 50% is worth more than mine..lol.

Throw out my mens underwear and replace it with women's bras, panties, etc..  Replace.my clothes with more feminine attire.  Teach me how to use makeup.  Teach me how to be a women.  In return she will have my love, affection and respect.  She will feel safe.  She will be nurtured.  We will sleep next to each other feeling the warmth of our bodies and smelling the essence of each other.  Hold hands, kiss, caress... two women in love!

  - 30-


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I have always believed our time alive is precious whether we're 10 or 100 years old and everything in between. It feels like there is more for us to lose in our 60s, 70s, and 80s if we follow our truth. I don't wish to push you in any direction. But maybe there's more to gain, too. We all will eventually die, and death is largely a solitary experience. I anticipate that when I'm laying there dying I'll reflect back and of course there will be regrets, but I'll also have pride that I finally did what I'd dreamed of for so many decades.

The reality of being a senior is that romance is hard to find, let alone finding someone who'll embrace our being trans. The field at our age is smaller, many are already married or committed. So yeah, look for dates, but moderate your expectations. Don't transition in the hopes/plans that you'll finally be in a romantic relationship. But there are communities of support. They need you, you need them. 

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35 minutes ago, Emma said:

The reality of being a senior is that romance is hard to find, let alone finding someone who'll embrace our being trans. 

That's an entirely another topic.  My own expectations were completely turned inside out and unexpected with respect to romantic relationships. I'll address that in another blog.  

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Dear More, Emma and Jessica,

Please consider the Lesbian community.

More, your wife should be open-minded about the Lesbian community. They have a lot of activities.

I strongly suggest looking into Lesbian Connection Magazine.

Also, Moe, since you have a wife, may I suggest you get active in transgender conferences. They often have significant other (SO) support groups.

I am a cisgender mid-butch Lesbian, and the love of my life was a mid-femme transgender Lesbian.

Don't give up!

Yours in Sisterhood,


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