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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2015 in all areas

  1. Just took a survey at www.ustranssurvey.org which I think everyone here should consider. Many of the questions ask about bad things that have happened to you now and in the past. The survey takes about 15-20 minutes of your time and believe it's well worth the effort. I am sure this will help others.
    3 points
  2. Just when you believe you are done with all things related name change and gender changes. I am still getting mail that has my former name and the senders are from state government and have changed my name and gender at the federal and state level. As a Microsoft MVP comes with it a handler who is someone that can assist you in ways that the average person does not have access too and is completely free. I told my handler in January of my transition, no problems there but kept sending special email messages to my old identity email account. Just got a new handler this month and they without asking transferred my address to my current female email account. So it's been seven months, one more down, still many to go if you can believe that it does take time to change all parts of one's identity. So when you are travelling down this road note that it does take time for some entities to caught up.
    2 points
  3. Hopefully those who receive your email messages will have them consider those outside the USA.
    2 points
  4. I have e-mailed US Trans equality, and suggested that they spread their wings a little further, I can only suggest that if others also share this point of view that they do the same.
    2 points
  5. Hiya Eve. I agree. If it had options Internationally, I think there could be more help gained, for those of Us, Who are in The Transsexual/Trannsgender Etc. Society.
    2 points
  6. Thanks Karen, that's so thoughtful of you, I'm sure others will also appreciate this, & not just from the UK either....
    1 point
  7. Absolutely! I got a letter from Cancer Research UK (Charity that I give to monthly) to my old male identity, others are from DIY / trade suppliers who are the worst for it. I'm lucky so far I haven't received any incorrectly addressed mail from Goverrnment depts, ughhh don't want them in any address format!. But the reverse is true with the NHS, they've started sending me appointments for smear tests and breast screening....................you just can't win ! Cheers, Eve
    1 point
  8. I just posted an entry on my Wordpress blog and gave note that the survey was for US residence and that non residence should contact the site asking for inclusion. Also sent a link to my therapist so she has the option to provide it to her clients.
    1 point
  9. Well if they do I'll post the link on my FB and Twitter accounts.......
    1 point
  10. Hiya Eve, I have E-Mailed the US Trans-Survey. So Thank You Eve. Take Care. Best Wishes, Stephie. xoxo
    1 point
  11. Steph, follow the link that Karen provided in her entry, and then click on Contact us - top right of the screen. A multi-tier request from all trans people world-wide would be even better............perhaps we should request Google to look at it..................
    1 point
  12. Such a shame it's only US, with no international options...............
    1 point
  13. It's a new day, we begin again, make the best of it as it only happens once then gone forever.
    1 point
  14. I find it interesting that two years ago I was told that red was not a color for me and agreed yet that person told me red now suits me. For the past two weeks have been wearing Lucky Brand flats in a medium red. Just goes to show (in my opinion) what hormones can do after being on them for a while. Oh, my worst color, yellow, still working on that.
    1 point
  15. I'm very happy about my progress with my transition and everything else in my life has been going very well to.
    1 point
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