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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2015 in all areas

  1. In my previous entry, I told of my Dutch/ NZ friends, I found a lovely poem written by them in the wrapping of one of their presents, it's just occurred to me to share it. Transition Testosterone Steve Has taken his leave (Except when driving) Or possibly diving Shakespeare said; To thine own self be true Wise words that rang a bell for you We know it took courage, faith and “front” (A bit like Kenny Everett’s Cupid Stunt) What we see is a big hearted lady Who dares to be so, before she gets fadey Look at your Mum, an example for all Bursting with life, still having a ball You talk about Sam with such great affection And clearly love Maybelle to utter distraction 60’s a bitch, I remember it well…… We salute you, lovely Eve, be sure to live well Maggy & Peter Van Krimpen, 27th December 2015 You might be wondering about Kenny Everett and Cupid Stunt. Kenny Everett was a gifted radio DJ turned TV comedian in the UK during the 1980's, he had a drag character called Cupid Stunt who did everything in the "best possible taste".................... Cheers, Eve
    3 points
  2. It actually is my facebook photo XD (just ask if you wanna be added!) And the photo was taken on Christmas Day only time I'm allowed to wear a tie, but I didnt actually get to wear it out anywhere. (Was asked not to) Thanks for all the comments ladies! <3
    3 points
  3. That's good to hear you had a good Christmas
    3 points
  4. Hiya Ren. I Am glad that Christmas went okay for You. Ren, that is a great Photograph Young Man. Good Luck with Your Quest to become Kai's Legal Guardian. It just goes to show what a Loving. and Caring Brother that You are. Ren, I will take this opportunity to wish You. Justin, and Kai, A Very Happy and Peaceful New Year For 2016. Good Health, Good Luck, and Every Happiness to You All. Ren, Please let Us know how You are All doing. Ren, Take Care, With My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo
    3 points
  5. Word of the day: Spoonerism
    1 point
  6. That was my first Christmas as a man. Officially, that is. Unofficially, I've been that way for years But all the documentation, and the websites, and the bank cards and credit cards that I have in my possession, showing my new, real name, they all tell me that I'm officially a man now. (Notwithstanding the fact that my birth certificate still says "girl" on it, but it'll be a long time before that gets changed, so I'm not counting that). I've just changed my gender on here, in that little dropdown thingy on the profile page. That's a technical term, for all the non-IT people out there - "dropdown thingy" I just changed it. From "Transgender" to "Male". Because when I logged in, I looked at my profile and thought, "My gender isn't transgender. That's an adjective to describe me, maybe, but it's not my gender." At best I would choose "Trans male" if it was there, or "Trans man". Or maybe "AFAB". But, hey, I'm male and I'm proud of it. So I changed the dropdown thingy. I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone on here a fabulous 2016 and I hope it brings each and every one of you everything you desire. Personally, I desire the T, but I'm in for a long wait, it seems. Maybe this time next year my voice will be a little deeper and I'll be moaning about having to shave every morning before I go to work, but who knows...? Hey... and before I forget... if anyone in the UK happens to read this and they are planning a visit to Sparkle 2016, and they feel inclined to have a wee dram or a cup of tea with a Mancunian who is also planning a visit to Sparkle 2016... well, as long as you're not an axe murderer or something... My thanks go to all you guys and girls who have provided such valuable advice to me this year. Much respect. And hugs. Ok, maybe just one hug. A quick one. Before anyone sees. Have a Happy New Year. xx
    1 point
  7. It's always fun updating lol Also I want to add in that today is the anniversary 125th of Wounded Knee in North Dakota So not much has happened aside from this was probably the best, most uneventfully drama-lacking christmas I've ever had. Best. Christmas. Ever. So my visit with my family went better than expected. Some (if not all) my xmas presents from my mom and siblings were to Ren, not Kristy, which was awesome. My older sister took me upstairs and said "the girls are going to call you a little of both. I told them they can call you whatever they want, Ren or Kristy, Aunt or not. I'm leaving it up to them so dont get mad if they mess up because I'm not taking a side on the name until you're "officially" done." (officially meaning when I somehow dig up 9k$ for my surgery >...> I told her that I dont care what the kids call me because yes, theyre children, and it'll take time. The only person that annoys the crap out of me with "kristy" calling is HER, not the kids. Naturally she ignored the whole comment entirely and misnamed me all night, but I chose to ignore her since everyone else was being awesome about it. Which is insanely rare. Christmas with justins family was hosted at his brother Adam's house, which was great because both Adam and his fiance Tressa both chose to call me Ren as requested, and eventually the other people at the house also did it so as not to piss Tressa off (She is NOT the person you want to piss off lol). So it was nice It all went great and things have been super uneventful for the most part lol Gifts were great (though not necessary lol) and Alex has been busy with an adult coloring book we got of Mandalas. Also let him buy in-game money for his IMVU account lol And although I had a HUGE falling out with our mutual friend Destinee, I am totally find with him talking to her on a daily basis. I actually prefer it because although we dont seem to get along and for some reason I cant handle talking to ANYONE.....(Literally, anyone. I have zero friends that I text or talk to because talking to anyone seems to instantly annoy me no matter what the conversation is) I like the idea of him talking to her and keeping her company. I still care about her, I just cant handle talking to people anymore. Not sure why. I think it's better I just not talk to her and avoid hurting her entirely. At least she has Alex now...they seem to be good friends. Sometimes I wonder if she was originally Alex's friend to begin with, not mine...I care about her, a lot. And I want her safe and happy more than anything. I just dont feel like my imbalanced attitude and spats of random asshole-ness was a benefit to her at all. I dont like making her feel like I hate her. I dont hate her. Anyway, recent drama is my younger sibling Kai I wont go into detail but I'm looking into maybe having the State of VT release Kai to me as his legal guardian due to abuse. I'll need to look more into it...Wish me luck. Hope everyone had a good christmas and has a happy new year. -Ren
    1 point
  8. As this is my first post within this blog, I suppose it would be best suited to do so with an introduction as to who I am before getting down to the basis of the blog's topic. My name is Alexandru Dorian Vlk, and I am -as far as I am aware- twenty three years old. I enjoy various forms of art and many genres of music, though I willingly surrender to Ruslana or Years & Years time and time again! Winter and Fall are possibly my favorite seasons, though I'll never be able to fully confirm this. This is indeed my first blog post, so please bare with me as I am still learning on how to do this or what to write. It just seems nice to ramble here and again, though some times they may simply just be transcripts from my Journal that I share with Warren. He is also a blogger here under the name WarrenG. As far as I am aware, I am Romanian though I seem to have forgotten the language, but an accent persists to plague my poor pronunciations, haha. Now, this is where it gets slightly complicated. --Please Note:-- As stated in the description of the blog---If you are not supportive of MPD or DID (Multiple Personality Disorder//Dissociation Identity Disorder) or live beneath the illusion that such things do not exist, this may not be the blog for you. If you do not believe in reincarnation or the possiblity of it, then again, this is not the blog for you. The reason for this side note is directly linked to who I am. I am my own person with my own likes, dislikes, opinions, story and the like. My name is my own and a matter of actuality, not fiction. I have and had my own life and my own story, though I am still attempting to piece them together as I find the puzzle pieces. I am an Alternate Personality of a Transgender Man. My host, friend and brother, is WarrenG. A twenty three year old Transgender man from Northern Vermont, obsessed with penguins and an occasionally obnoxious childlike attitude. He is an American Citizen, born in the woodsy State of Vermont with a rather frustrating mother and four siblings. Father deceased. I, myself, am very different and very many ways-yet, we remain the same. As far as I am aware -since I am still piecing them together- I was born somewhere near the Carpathian Mountains in Modern Day Romania, near what is now known as Rusnov. I do not know exact locations and that seems to be just as well since the maps have changed since that time. My childhood is a bit foggy aside from bits and pieces though I am certain that I was of a low-income home. There is a drastic difference in timeline between Ren's life and my own but I dont feel it necessary at the moment to explain too deeply into the subject. I am Pagan, to the best of my explanations, and I lived alone with my dog Cornelius. Warren and I do share a great many interests and such, but in the same sense we also greatly differ. Please, dearest readers, do not mistaken my own personality or identity to be of his own, as it is not. I am my own person. If you would like to watch a film that may or may not be of assistance in understanding this concept, I do encourage you to watch Sybil. The older version may be better of 1977 with Sally Field as it is my favorite version, but the new version is also rather good. Either way, it does offer a little more of an insight to our...."Condition". We are not medically diagnosed, but I do not feel that this is necessary in order to continue to be who we are. We still function as one whole and take turns within work and do our jobs well, and it does not interfere with our daily lives. I do not always 'front' in force, as he either allows me full freedom or will inform me when I may take the front. Which is fairly often so I will not complain. Most in our daily lives do not have any knowledge of my presence and some days I feel that this is best as they would not understand. I have gotten rather good at mimicking his voice and accent so as not to draw attention so it has not been a problem. Though I feel that I have rambled enough for now. I fear that I have forgotten entirely as to the point of this blog post, I have gotten so caught up with my explanations. I feel as though explaining seems to be a common feat that we must practice, despite how few know about what is going on. Regardless, I suppose this is the last of my blog. I have wasted enough time on the computer when I could be wasting even more time with my markers and mandala coloring pages, hahaha! Take care everyone and please do not hesitate to ask questions. I would rather an understanding than an assumption. -Alex
    1 point
  9. You have a very poetic style of writing and I enjoyed reading your first post. I hope it won't be the last. In your initial post, you seem to have managed to do two things rather well: explain your circumstances, and grab my attention. I look forward to reading more. Oh, and the choice of font and colour was very kind to my eyes.
    1 point
  10. Hope you all had a great Christmas, mine was quiet, but the following day we went out to get party food from the supermarkets, and on the 27th my partner and I held a party, it was manic preparation all day, and then my mother arrived late afternoon followed by friends who sorted out her Windows PC for her. My lovely partner cooked loads of party food all afternoon and made a fabulous Black Forest Gateau, she put quantities of Kirsch Wasser and de Kuyper Cherry Brandy in with the cherry filling layers, it's my top favourite cake and it was to celebrate my birthday, but it wasn't large enough to place the many candles necessary for my age! Anyway enough about culinary ingredients, friends soon started to arrive both local and further afield as far as The Hague, I have mentioned our Dutch friends in an earlier posting, he is way over 6' tall and she is a New Zealander, she had took me for a bra fitting in The Hague last April, this time she mercilessly teased me to the great amusement of all, especially me! Well much alcohol was consumed by all, including 2 bottles of pink Champagne, we had a great time. The following two days we took our Dutch/NZ friends out to see the local attractions and Birmingham City centre. Today I have had a little more time to myself before I went out for my mammogram appointment, which is part of the national healths breast screening service. It didn't feel at all strange to me, the staff were entirely respectful and treated me exactly the same as if I was a CIS woman. So since Christmas I haven't really had much time to do much, so I'm really looking forward to a few quiet days to myself from tomorrow before I return to work. My partner has really noticed how well I pass these days, no one stares at me anymore, but then again I couldn't care less if they did, but it makes her life a lot easier when we're out and about, and she's really happy now, almost as happy as I am.................Sometimes I have to pinch myself, to check that I'm awake and not dreaming all this............. Hoping you all have a great New Year as yourselves, Cheers, Eve
    1 point
  11. Black Forest Gateau... mmm... my favourite too. Along with Bakewell tart and cheesecake. Any kind of cheesecake - I'm not fussy All the Best, Eve. Have a great New Year.
    1 point
  12. Hiya Eve. I Am so glad that Your Christmas went well. I will Not ruin Your Christmas talking about mine. But, I will say enjoy the rest, over the Next Few Day's. ( By the way, what is Your Partner's name ? ) Anyway Eve, I Wish You, And Your Partner, Good Health, Good Luck, Every Happiness, And All The Very Best. Have A Very Happy And Healthy New Year For 2016. Take Care, With My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo
    1 point
  13. Hey Ren, Good on you, bro. You're looking and sounding terrific and I'm glad to hear you had a relatively drama-free Christmas. Remember a year ago? Wow, we were both in the mixing bowl trying to deal with things. So on that note 2015 turned out pretty good. I hope you and Justin and Kai have a fantastic 2016. Hugs, Emma
    1 point
  14. Doctor warned me that rubbing of clothing might cause some unwanted (yet kind of welcomed) sensations you now were. All is good until in a meeting and can't concentrate on the meeting or really enjoying the afternoon walk.
    1 point
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