I was talking with Nikki about something today, and he called this his problem. I didn't like that. This isn't our problem, this is our lifestyle. The dog constantly dumpster and litter box diving, cats peeing anywhere they please, those are problems. Nikki enjoying dressing en femme and needing his body hair as gone as we can make it? Lifestyle. Because language does dictate thought. Ideas form from words, and the choice of words colors the thought. And the only problem my husband has inside himself is depression and anxiety fits, those do need to be and can be solved with time and therapy. My understanding of crossdressing is simple, it's not a disease or the disorder, it's a complicated set of emotional and possibly physical needs that require meeting, and will always require this. Just like my needs. So problem is an ugly word for this. I like lifestyle. And I have spent a lot of time self-examining, trying to figure out all the roadblocks that we will have to face if his needs change in the future because I want to be prepared, even if it never happens. And realizing I'm not really inclined to join other women in bed anymore made me stop and try to figure out, well, what the hell happened? And I realized with the maturity and healthier mindset I have on life and myself what happened. While I do have the ability to enjoy physical sex with partners of either gender, I never really got into a healthy commitment relationship with any of the women. And I had always identified a strong preference for men, but now that i"m examining it all I wondered what was going on with the women. WHY did I act on it? And why do I really not want to now? The answer lies in my complicated feelings for men after my abusive marriage. I had stopped trusting them, and I didn't like to be alone. And when the first female hit on me, and I physically responded, I thought why not? I don't like being alone, and here I can defend myself. And I set out to explore this new aspect of myself, but I didn't look into it too deeply. So now after a long, healthy marriage with Nikki, I realize had it not been for a deep fear of men warping my choices, I probably would NOT have acted on it. And the actions I took probably weren't healthy for me or my partners, but we learn from living. I'm not embarrassed to have explored with them with them or by their place in my past, but I am embarrassed that i didn't really give them myself like I should have as a partner. It wasn't fair, but I was too messed up to know then. I'm sorry for anyone's feeling that I injured in my inability to love them back. The men after I started opening that door again too. Nikki met me at a time where I was starting to overcome my issues, and was able to actually love someone back with the baby steps he was willing to put up with from me while I relearned my way in relationships. Well, at least I don't have a lot of 'what if's' about my sex life. I tried things. LOL