The answer to the question of do women change clothes often is the same thing as everything else, depends on the individual and circumstances. I rarely change once I'm dressed for the day, but stains and such sometimes derail me. Among my circles of friends some change for every little thing, and some are 'this is what i'm wearing, deal" among both genders. The idea that we change constantly is a historical leftover from the days or morning dresses, receiving dresses, afternoon dresses, and dinner dresses, and ball gowns, and so on that women constantly shifted through as social custom demanded. I'm glad I'm born now, it sounds exhausting. And some amount o the modern day stereotype that every woman can't figure out what to wear for an event and tries a bunch of outfits either in front of a mirror or cadre of friends as often seen on tv every time a female character has a work, date, or party type event continues the perception that we change constantly. And nothing wrong with the submissive personalities of the world! I firmly believe there is room for everyone, and the trick is to know oneself, both who we are and what we want, and then surround ourselves with people that allow us to be that and get the things we want. If you're already figuring out who you are and what you want, you're way ahead of a lot of other people.