Wow. I am shocked and somewhat amazed by all of the positive comments and advice I am receiving here. I guess I expected to receive comments attacking my feelings and views and being told off honestly. I really am trying to help my child to grow up into a happy healthy individual. I am just having a very hard time believing that living as a different gender is going to be a positive experience. Where is my child going to find love? My child just turned 11. Over the next few years as kids start going to dances... who is she going to be with? Girls in my area (northern NJ) tend to be girly. Nails done by a manicurist, hair done, makeup, dresses etc. Boys tend to be boys. Where is my child going to fit in? Right now a number of kids are accepting of her, playing with her etc but this is pre puberty stuff. I fear that the day is coming when girls peel off into girl group stuff and boys do the same and my child is going to be alone. I may not have stated this previously but she does go to therapy with a therapist that has a practice with transgender kids. My child is going into middle school in September. She will be the only kid in the school (6th to 8th grade) that is known at this time to believe they are transgender. I feel this situation will be horrible. Most if not all of you here transitioned as an adult. You may have wished that you could've done this much earlier but I don't know if you realize what that really would've meant. You may have been living as a gender that you didn't believe conformed with what you were feeling but you were living having friends, dating and in many cases here.... even got married and had children. Maybe you don't realize that even cis kids have issues fitting in, worrying what group they will be accepted in, dating, etc. Most of us as kids had issues figuring out where we fit in, but in most cases we did fit in somewhere with some group. My daughter choosing to go down this path will be in a group of 1------ her. She is not a very social kid to begin with. I so want to be proven wrong about these things and my views of her future, but I really fear that I will be proven right.