So I went to the support group today. I was nervous and it was nice to meet others with similar feelings as myself. I didn't talk much because I am very shy and was trying to feel things out as I always do. And before I went I got some crappy messages from my little sister and my mom. So I have blocked them from my Facebook Instagram and my phone. It is for the best. People who actually support you and care don't take advantage of you when your in a bad place and don't say that they are fine with you then judge you the whole time your being watched and eyes rolled and tell you how your gonna live. So my head wasn't in a good place today. It still isn't. And I took my son tricker treating afterwards. We went to a few neibors houses that we know and he dressed up as Batman he had a good time. He has some anxiety issues he gets really uncomfortable in crowds so we set it up with the neibors to do it tonight so he could still have the experience. Anyways that was my day. Some good mostly bad. And I am in a lower place now than I have been in a while. I guess just one more thing to talk to my therapist about.