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About TJDavies

  • Birthday 07/05/1994

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  1. *Still nothing done*

  2. Two days until the panel and I have nothing prepared :D

    1. MonicaPz


      Tyler, I tend to think about things for a long time, and then act at the last minute! LOL!

  3. Next Presentation: March 31st at Rutgers University :3

    1. MonicaPz


      Ty, you pick the best schools to give your presentations!

    2. TJDavies


      Monica, I was asked to present, haha/

  4. Presentation 1 out of 4 complete.

    1. Emma


      I wonder if you can post a PDF of it here. I'd love to see it.

  5. Child it's time, to break the shell, life's gonna be hurt but it's meant to be felt.

    1. Ronnie Virga
    2. UsernameOptional


      I'm screwed then... me and pain do NOT see eye-to-eye!

  6. And the conference has officially started: All the ladies are off to dinner and I'm here in the hotel eating a bacon double cheeseburger with mushrooms.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TJDavies
    3. MonicaPz


      Better than a hen party . . . LOL!

    4. UsernameOptional


      Can never get enough bacon and cheese!

  7. In Baltimore until tomorrow!!

  8. In Baltimore until tomorrow!!

  9. :o I'm so excited for this... I get to spend time talking about my experiences as a trans man, coming out in a religious family and homelessness. I like being able to share my story.

  10. :o I'm so excited for this... I get to spend time talking about my experiences as a trans man, coming out in a religious family and homelessness. I like being able to share my story.

  11. I was requested to be on another panel next month. More Stress? 1 speech, 2 workshops and 2 panels. :X

    1. Emma


      Congratulations! Clearly, you are recognized for having something worthwhile to say. Does this add stress? Yes, it can. Try to stay in the moment and don't worry about topping what you've done before. They just want to listen to your real self.

  12. Added on stress: Moving in May, I have a presentation at Princeton University in April, On a panel in at Rutgers on the 31st and Presentation at a gender conference in 2 weeks. Oh boy :x

    1. MonicaPz


      Tyler, keeping busy!

    2. UsernameOptional


      GEEZ! Do they make appointment books that big??

    3. TJDavies


      For a 20 year old. I'm really busy. I just found out I also have a final on thursday and I need to prep for a speech.

  13. Someone save me from history homework.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MonicaPz


      Dear Tyler,

      When I was a student, I would say, all I am going to ask of myself is to open the book and notebook, and if I still could not get moving on it, do something else (hopefully another subject, but a chore will do), and then go back to it, and see if I have the energy to work on it.

      Yours truly,


    3. UsernameOptional


      LOL... didn't know ya had so many mothers, did ya, dude? That'll teach ya! :D

    4. TJDavies


      Yeah, see I never got to submitting the assignment because the internet was all sorts of messed up because of the weather for the last few days. So. In a way I was saved.

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