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About JennySilva

  • Birthday 07/30/1957

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  • Interests
    Photography, Camping , Swimming , The Mountains , "I live in the middle of the H.H. White Mountains" Snuggling by a nice camp fire, anything to with Nature , Shopping , Night Clubs , Dancing

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About Me

 i'm Jenny and i'm 59 years old i knew from a very young age that there was something different about me.It was like i was in the wrong body and i should be a girl. well i went along with my life  started dressing in my early teens got married had two great kids. i  got real good hiding my dressing that was till my wife found out she flipped and up and left me with my two kids. so it was me and my kids for 3 year i did what i could to keep a roof over their heads. Then the one big thing happened that changed my life completely. she was a nice girl and i really liked her and i wanted it to all work out . so i got rid of every thing i had for dressing. for the first year i struggled  with the not dressing thing but everything was going real good with my girlfriend. then i started sneaking i was real careful i didn't want to lose what i had.i had a small stash hid out in the garage one night my girlfriend had a class she was taking and was expected to be gone 2 hours. as soon as she left for her class i head to the garage for a little dress time. i just got myself all  dressed and the next thing i knew there standing in the door way was my girlfriend with a totally shocked look on her face . she just said what are you doing getting ready for Halloween or something. i lost it right there i thought i was finished i just stood there frozen  my emotions started going wild i felt like i was going to drop dead right there . i managed to get out  " i'm sorry babe i promise i wont do it again" . she just looked me up and down then as i stood there fearing the worse . she then  walk around me slowly and then stop right in front of me looked me right in my eyes and said  "why ? you look pretty dam good i have always liked you in those tight jeans.   wow!! ". i couldn't be leave what just went down but i manged to ask her if  she really didn't mind that i was dressed as a woman. She just said nope then she asked  but why?. so I started telling her about my life and i told her everything i had been though. By the time i had finished i had tears running down my cheeks. she wiped them from my cheeks and told me that she love me and it didn't mater what i dressed like. She then kissed me though her arm around me and as we hugged.  well it's been twenty years now that we have been together we watched 5 kids my 2 and her 3   grow up and one by one they left the nest. we told them about me right from the beginning and they were all cool with everything. they all supported me being transgendered  and i was always  there for them. The one thing that my girlfriend always told me is that she love me for being me. And that i should always be myself and as long as it makes me happy that.s all that mattered not anyone else thinks.  It has been just about twenty years now that we have been together.   Ya there's been a couple bumps in the road but all in all we have been good for each other. all the kids have moved on with there lives and there's just to two of us now, it was about ten years ago i decided that i wanted to and planed on transitioning to female.  my girlfriend wasn't  100% with the idea but she live up to what she said. if i really wanted this she would stand be me if that's what i wanted to do. it was nothing happening right away i still had to find a doctor that would help me with  HRT. dam i never thought that it would be so hard to find one. it wasn't till about 3 years ago i finally for a therapist. and after paying her for two years of listening to me rant about what i wanted she finally gave in and set me up with a doctor. i figured i was going to have another long fight over what i wanted for the rest of my life. Well thank god i was wrong and after just one visit i was heading to Walmart to pic up my meds they were called in and waiting for me. It was about an hour to get home and Walmart is just around the corner from my place. all i could think about i finely did it and im on my way to being Jennifer 24-7. I know it's going to take a while but i know now it will happen soon. the doc started me out .. my nipples they get real sore and that wasn't all that seemed to happen. My butt seemed bigger all my my jeans seemed to fit better, my skin stated to get much softer and my face heir seemed to almost stop growing i could go almost a week when i had to shave every other day before. and my penis shrank  next to nothing.. My next time to see the doc he said we should have me right where i need to be for my transition. up to this point i have been on HRT 7 months and i have seen and felt some changes my breasts have gotten bigger. Im a bigger guy and i always had a little bigger then usually but now i have a awareness that i do have breasts. My skin much softer and my beard has just about stopped growing and has thin out a lot. my butt has filled out quite a bit my woman's jeans fit so much  better now. Then i started my new doses of my med and the first week of taking the new dose I really didn't notice any thing different. Now the second week  was a hole new experience my breast hurt a little on the old dose but dam now it feels like i was stung by a bee in both nipples just my tee shirt rubbing up against my nipples would almost bring tears to my eyes. After another couple weeks they seemed to mellow down to just a annoying Constant pain but i couldn't believe but my breast were growing they were big enough that it was getting hard to hide them. i didn't care so excited about how i felt the only thing that my emotions started to going crazy and my girlfriend thought that i was getting moody. The next week was hell not for my HRT but i blew out my knee and i all ready have talked to my doctor about what should i do when it came time. this was the killer  i had to stop all my meds 2 months before i had my surgery and not to start them until  I was totally healed. i was devastated  i had a 2 month wait till i get a knee operation so that he can do my left hip after all of this just means i will be off my meds for 4 months. this had to happen just after i real felt like i was right where i was hoping  to be with my transition i was so happy feeling my body change and growing into. but now im in limbo hoping everything will go ok with the 2 surgery's im about to have. all i think about is getting back on my HRT and become the person i wish to be. who maybe some day i will find a guy that will love me for being Jenny 

 i love music i fave is  older  Rock,Sole.and Blues but ill listen to just about any thing but Rap. I don't do a lot of TV but i love my NASCAR and i get into Bones , NCIS , the Discovery Chanel . the History channel , I like going out to the movies, my fave color is Pink Black comes in a close second, i like Woodworking , Gardening ,Dogs I have 2 , I like Jewelry and mostly silver  , i like nice and tight Jeans and Jean Skirts , Cowgirl Boots nice 3" stacked heels ,  I like being A Country Girl ,I like Sun rises & Sunsets , I love a full moon. My favorite thing that i like to do is spend the night on top of a mountain laying on a blanket with someone you really are close to and just lay there cuddling checking out the stars in the sky they are so bright and it's like to can reach out and touch them. and if your lucky and the night turns interment  but the thing that tops it all is feeling like and being a woman

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