i feel so stupid trying to find what i felt for my ex, and finding only empty thoughts and no response from anyone, i wonder how others exist without that connection at all,if i follow this idea i may just walk away from human emotion in every way,and not feel anything again. have i been wrong to hope for more from other people.? i feel at times i may just remain alone there is no chance of being hurt when alone because people are not to be trusted with any emotional aspect of my life. the world is a harsh place a wilderness void of true life and love.
i am going to try mental health resources,but before when i was on anti depressants i became completely devoid of any emotional response. and that was very weird and an almost numb place to be,but maybe numb is better at any rate. as in screw the world and its killing of human care becoming just a place of destruction and war,with no true humanity left anywhere. l;et the world die without me trying to help to heal its wounds at all that takes to much out of me anyway,being a dreamer is to costly in personal expectations of it having any good effect on life in that world. save the whales,hell save the children from our mistakes. i think we adults are doomed anyway.