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Ain't gonna purge NO MORE, NO MORE!

Okay, throughout my entire life, I have often accumulated various articles and many times, entire wardrobes of woman's clothing, shoes, make-up, wigs, etc. In my own privacy I dressed up, sometimes if only for a short period and other times for extended periods.  More often than not, I always had my "stash", which gave me much comfort in the thought that I would someday be able to transition and live my life of a woman without going back.  It seems that every time I had a "life changing event", for example, new girlfriend, marriage, birth of a son or daughter, new job, I would always purge those things I loved in an attempt to live a life according to what I wrongly perceived as normal.  Well about two years ago I decided what was actually normal for ME was to prepare for transitioning.  As I approached retirement age, (I don't think I'll ever really retire), I began to downsize my business in order to run it without any employees. (I often had a dozen). My wife was no longer physically able to work it with me. So in the privacy of my business basement when off times permitted, I began to accumulate again, slowly, carefully, with the thought that I may never purge again.  Any where from 3-5 times a week over the last two years I was able to "practice, perfect my presentation, walk, practice speech, dress, learn the art of make-up and at the same time lost close to 60 lbs.  Well, another life changing event is approaching; my business should be liquidated in the coming 3 weeks, and this weekend I methodically boxed everything up and brought it home!  About 30 dresses and suits, skirts, 3 dozen blouses and tops, slacks, skirts, 5 wigs, make-up, purses, mirrors, and about 12 pairs of shoes.  I'll be very busy over the next few weeks with closing my business and for several afterward with the financials, but I'll have everything intact when I'm done so I can take on the life changing event I've waited my whole life for. THAT'S NORMAL😍 



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Good for you, Jessica! many (most? all?) have have gone through so many purge cycles particularly, as you said, when life events happen and we hope "this is finally IT," that we can finally shed what we thought of as unwelcome and shameful baggage. Now, we know differently, that our femininity has always been baked into us since birth and it's perfectly okay and glorious to be ourselves. 

I guess we're about the same age (I'm 62) and so we might wish we'd taken this bull by the horns many decades ago. I feel that way, sure, about many things. Thankfully we have our lives to lead as we move foreword. Live gloriously, as yourself. 

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Yes Jessicatoyou. I know that feeling oh to well. The many lovely items I have released into donation boxes and trash cans is remarkably ridiculous. Every time I had to purge my wardrobe I’d cry a bit more. But no more will I shed a tear for I’ll not be reducing my wardrobe anymore. I’m in love with my inner woman and if the world doesn’t accept Cynthia for her will the hell with them too. 

Love all my new friends and I can believe we have been chosen to live as we are.


Love you girls. 

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I can’t wait till I’m buying clothes for a woman’s body. This body I cloth now is so out of style. I know it’s not an over night happening. But I do have the rest of my life to make up for wasted years. 

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Now, I'm really, really excited about the conference....that would be awesome!😃.  It's called First Event, January 30 - February 3.  Website is Firstevent.org. I booked at the hotel for the whole conference  and will arrive the 29th and leave the 4th, so any days you could swing it would be great.  I know the area really well, and could pick you up at Logan Airport if you needed.  Bring a friend, maybe your wife???  The seacoast there is magnificent just an hour north of Boston,  kinda like the ZION of seacoasts, if you know what I mean.  I spent time every summer there the last 35 years of my life dreaming of transitioning.  I'm a little older, but still a blast!😂.  Would love to take you on a tour. That is a nice thought to start out this week!  Don't worry too much about winter clothes, you can try some of mine, haha.  



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This weekend?  Wish I could and WOULD without a heartbeat;  but I'm on the last leg of the marathon with my business.  I'm about 4 hours from Boston. Have family in Florida, though, and I am going to try to get down there for a week between now and the conference.  Will let you know if that happens.  I want to eventually settle where it's a lot warmer! 😍. I've been eying the Gulf Coast pretty seriously.  I also love St Augustine. I tend to think your wife would be very comfortable around me, but better to let her keep it on her own pace. I have soooo much to look forward to!❤️  Am already a few years younger than I used to be! Thank you, Christa Kerry😉

Loving it, Jessica grasshopper

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Yeah, know I have to get down there and spend some time looking.😎.  Don't like what I'm seeing out my window right now...inch of snow! ugh!😫

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MY first choice would have been the keys, but out of my reach and too soon for me to go to heaven!😊

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It sounds like most of us have gone through purge cycles. I know I have and lost so many wonderful things that can never be replaced. I agree. NO More!

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Just ordered my first soft leggings and top from a Facebook leggings seller. My wife has turned me onto these sellers. A sweet set for my first self bought. I’ve borrowed my wife’s but need to buy my own style. 

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Dear Cynthia,

Absolutely love them!

Presently looking for holiday-themed clothing for myself!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!

Your friend,


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I have to look into that myself. I can always use another pair of leggings. LOL

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Facebook has many sales girls and sites. These are from MY LALA LEGGINGS. Many many to choose from. Free shipping in US. 

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