Trans But Still in the Closet
Change is still slow... a lot slower than we prefer to believe.
I happened to be looking around another board this morning and was running down the General Transgender Discussion forum index page when I spotted a thread with the title, "Trans but still in the closet."
The thread was created in April 2018. There were only eight replies to the thread to date. However, that thread had been viewed nearly 16,000 times.
I can think of only a few reasons why the view count is so high:
1. Curiosity - why is the person [still] not out
2. General reading - individuals who just read every new thread/post
3. There are still a LOT of us, who, for whatever reasons, are still in the closet and went to that thread because they can relate
Only one other thread comes anywhere near having as many views at just over 1,800. Obviously, 1,800 is not close, and this despite a thread title of "Need to talk." Talk about what? One would think that sheer curiosity would bump the view count way up there.
This same board has an "adult" forum, and even in that area of the board, of the 36 threads, only two have more than 1,000 views. What's ironic is, despite the purpose of that particular forum, the two threads with the 1k+ views are NOT "adult-themed," but threads asking for [non-sexual] information.
I am inclined to believe that the reason the view count is so high on that thread falls under #3 above. Bigotry, unacceptance, social stigma, fear, lack of access to appropriate/adequate medical care, anti-TGLBQ+ laws, lack of or absence of inclusive/acknowleging rights, etc., etc., etc.... still serves to keep so many of us in hiding.
We can all rally 'round and proclaim there have been great strides accomplished in the name of change - perhaps to make us feel better. Fact is, those changes have come at the pace of a half-dead snail going uphill thru molasses in winter. To exacerbate the issue, there are forces whittling away at what few advances have been gained over the last few years. And let's not forget we have a vice-prez who is rabidly anti-TGLBQ. God (or whoever) help us if 45 is impeached or otherwise vacates the Whitehouse and the VP becomes top dog. You think dummy is hell-bent on a damn wall... yer white-haired, beady-eyed VP is hell-bent on converting everyone to straight cisgender christians.
We STILL have a painfully LONG way to go. And at this point, I seriously doubt I will see in my lifetime SIGNIFICANT positive, beneficial change that allows for all people all along the gender spectrum to move freely and safely throughout society, with all the rights as any other person.
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