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Reaction to laser


How do you even start to present female when your face is this rough all the time?

Without being able to shave I am constantly being reminded of my facial hair as it catches on all my work shirts.  I expected the sunburn feeling but my face looks hideous at the moment and I hate it.

After 4 days the dark hairs are still pushing their way out so my stubble is really rough, looks really obvious all the time even after I attempted to shave because I had to go and see someone, you would never know to look at me.

It is so untidy and patchy! but more than that my skin is really dry and flaky and part of my top lip scabbed even with using the after care gel 2-3 times a day - my ex who is not the most observant of people actually asked what was up with my neck when she was talking to me today - I told her it happened after trying to use a straight razor I got for Christmas as a present - either shaving wrong or having the blade under water that was too hot & scalding myself.

Do I have to worry about looking like this after every visit or will it calm down?

At the moment I am struggling to see even a small glimpse of Dee at all in the mirror. I don't look or feel female - and yet I don't feel particularly male either regardless of how I look.

What on earth am I doing?


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I have no idea what’s common with laser hair removal or how to best treat your condition. I suggest phoning the laser technician and/or go see a dermatologist. Maybe the dermatologist would advise that the laser evidently wasn’t set or operated correctly. 

In the meantime I do know how you feel. I have an electrolysis appointment for Friday morning and can’t shave around my mouth and chin until after because she needs to be able to see the hairs and have enough length to grab with her tweezers. I’m very self conscious about it, especially tomorrow afternoon when I’m going to a women’s fashion party! Oh well, someday all this hair will be gone. Very impatient for that...

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Thanks Emma, It is apparently a reasonably common side effect, I have done some reading (and have since gone back to do some more lol) and it is due to the thermolysis but as a general rule it should improve by the 7-10 day mark, if it is still as raw looking I will speak to someone though - if it does what it is supposed to do it will be worth it.

I cannot stand the roughness of my face just now though. At a Christmas dinner last year I was sat next to a lady that had far more of a beard than I, but she was a crofter and an ex policewoman to boot so she very much just does her own thing and doesn't worry about anyone else's opinion. It would be nice if the rest of the world was so full self assurance that whiskers were not such a big deal! enjoy your fashion party.

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Dear DeeDee,

There is an Aloe Vera gel available in the pharmacy.

It looks like razor burn.

Yes, there are cisgender women who have 5 O'Clock shadow.

Have a goatee I have to shave almost every day.

Also, I have a friend that has a goatee that grows to about 2 inches, and the staff at my adult social program, have to shave it off for her. They have high standards for grooming, and I have seen the staff wash people's hair, cut the hair of a man and shave his scraggly beard, and groom people's fingernails.

DeeDee, I wish all cisgender people were as concerned about their grooming as transwomen and transmen!

Think my turn at being groomed by the staff is coming sooner than later! LOL!  🛀  💈  🚿

Your friend,


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Hi Dee,  your picture looks much like my neck (and face) after my first laser session.  But should by now (after a week)be almost back to normal.  The reason ( I think) is that many of the hairs "zapped" need time to work their way out of the pores.  Feels kind of like acne.  Washing with a defoliating cleanser and using a non- oily moisturizer helps.  Aloe alleviates some of the discomfort as does Witch Hazel.  The good news is after my second session, the condition lasted one day, if that, and it's great not to have to worry about any "5 o'clock shadow" any more.😍 

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Funny, you said,  "what on earth am I doing"  …..same words I used after my first session. LOL

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Jess it took 6 days for the red raw eczema look to calm down, I can finally shave again and I still have 3 small scabs but my face is effectively back to normal  :) not any noticeable difference yet hair-wise but I was not expecting much from this blast. as it was only going to take the darkest hairs and most of mine are not black.  I will be delighted if the recovery time is faster.

"What on earth am I doing?" is right though, it has sparked such a depressed panic attack in me about my trans-ness (?) this week I have been in such a funk I came very, very close to throwing all my clothes and makeup out! 

Monica I think there is a lot of truth in your comment about grooming, I do care very much abut how Dee could be seen.

I have aloe gel and have been exfoliating, but will invest in some witch hazel and need to get into a better moisturising routine full stop.

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Dear DeeDee,

May I suggest Dickinson's witch hazel. Have found it the best for me.

Also, I know a lady pushing her 90's, and she has been moisturizing daily since her late 20's to 30's, and she STILL does not have a wrinkle on her face!

Your friend,


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I didn't notice much either until about 3 weeks in after constant washing, moisturizing and shaving.  By the time my 2nd session came I didn't think they'd find any dark hairs, but I could feel the laser was finding a bunch.  Now, 3 weeks after there are no dark hairs even after not shaving for several days. which means no shadow and that used to be a problem twice a day until I started this. Also started electrolysis a week after my first laser and that's pretty tedious. Still have to shave because of the light hair growing; but now making a dent in that too.  Most of what's left is on my neck and lower jowls. 

Sure glad I didn't purge this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

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