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The way its aye been

This may not be as much of a big deal for anyone outside of the UK but I needed to work out my thoughts and I think the world is predominantly Patriarchal.


In the UK since International Womens day and the horrific news story of Sarah Everard being murdered (and subsequently a police officer being arrested for it) my news feeds have been absolutely filled with women talking out about the systemic violence and abuse that they suffer at the hands of men, some talked about curfews for men, which I believed was in response to the comments talking about how she should have known better to be out alone cutting through a park after dark. The two hastags #notallmen and #allwomen have been very prominent and I have been unable and unwilling to comment anywhere else.


It is something you either understand or you don't.


The entire world outside of the internet still knows me only as male, I don't like being lumped in with abusers and it was the woman I trusted most that has caused me the most emotional and psychological damage in my lifetime so it makes me sad to be accused by association of being a possible risk. Any comment I make can be construed as mansplaining or encouraging victim blaming. I have spent almost 40 years trying to be the best man that I could be and constantly felt like I was failing, I have also been catcalled and groped by strange women and have experienced fear and embarrassment and my skin crawling, but ultimately these experiences were few and far between.


I also know that when I have gone out as DeeDee it is not women that scare me, but the possible violence of men.

As I begin to come out to my friends I know that it is the reaction of their husbands that will determine whether or not I will still have a place in their lives.

It will be men who predominantly choose whether or not to make my life miserable at any work function because they are still overwhelmingly in the majority.

I may seek approval and acceptance by women but I know that while I want that I would settle for polite tolerance by men.

I fully agree with and understand the assessment that this society is broken, and that brokenness comes from the power wielded by men.


When I was growing up, I was told by my dad, "be safe and if you can't be safe, be careful", while my sisters were told, "you're not going out dressed like a tart!".

Every single one of my four sisters has been cat called and objectified, and both my mum and my sister have experienced trauma during which they were just seen as hysterical and emotional women by those in positions of authority. A drunk neighbour followed my ex home and tried to get into the flat when she was at home with our son as a baby and while she called me and talked to me while she was dealing with him she did not want me to drive home across town to be a physical deterrent. (I couldn't fight my way out of a wet paperbag, but I would put myself in harms way to protect others as often as was needed)


Having to teach "stranger danger" to children in nurseries, having to have conversations with my children about what to do if someone asks them for personal information or pictures online. Knowing that I have taught both children what to do if they are ever grabbed by someone, or told to keep secrets. Knowing that statistically it will be a man that carries out this type of crime and worse it may be someone they know. Having watched adult material online and as someone who understands the sheer scale of the worldwide sex industry and the fact that slavery and human trafficking is still very much big business which caters for all, but in which the biggest and most lucrative market caters for men.


I feel like I am in the middle and voiceless. Caught in between two perspectives. I have admitted I am trans but have not socially transitioned. So I belong to neither group at the moment.


I understand the pain of being accused of something that I have never knowingly done, I have grown up professionally and privately understanding my male privilege whilst trying to never deliberately take advantage of it but having it nonetheless. Always assuming that I was just empathatic, when in fact it is deeper and comes from a place of identifying with the things known as weaknesses and seeing them as strengths. I am all for equality, but that standard must apply and be adhered to by everyone, not just one side or the other. Extremism is by it's nature dangerous regardless of which end of the scale it is on.


While cis people are only aware of the privilege of their own gender, transgender and bigender people must surely be highly aware of both, because no matter MTF or FTM (or bigender) they will experience both perspectives and will gain and lose from those experiences.


There should not be an expectation for women to alter their lives, their routines, their clothes, and their conversations or their expectations in life to appease men, "just in case", but it is the normality and incredulousness of it all that has really made me sad.

In Scotland we have the phrase, "the way its aye been" which we use to describe traditions and practices that have been that way so long that no one really remembers why.

Some things just should not be normal.



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So sad, Dee, and a good point1  You are correct.  I, too, am at a loss to explain how the male species has held such a domineering influence over society.  I, too, long ago became disgusted with many of my male counterparts.  I think religion has played a huge role in this phenomenon.  I have met many single (divorced) women and they are dynamic, smart, and simply have grown tired of being used, discriminated against, treated downright sub-human by the men formerly in their lives. I do believe times are-a- changing, though, and more woman are standing up and speaking out! 

Absolutely happy to now be associated with and identify with the female sex.  Women should appease themselves first and foremost and resist being cast into an idea of behavior that is not their own, especially norms dictated by men.  Seems to be one of the lessons I've learned transitioning.

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Dear DeeDee and Jessica,

Very sad about this situation when it is not necessary (same with racism).

Don't think a curfew for men only would really help, as it punishes the good men as well as the bad. Not sure if a curfew for everyone would work, either.

The bottom line is that there are good and bad men and women.

Hate is a people problem that can only be solved by love.

You may want to learn about sociopathology at:


Hope this helps.

Yours truly,


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The online arguments were simply both sides choosing to use ridiculous ideas to show that the other side was biased.

The statistic bandied about in the press are that 97% of UK women have been sexually harrassed or attacked at some point in their lives, which I actually can believe although the report it is taken from actually states the number is somewhere from 71% to 86% dependant on age, with the 18-24's most likely to receive harrassment.


The bigger issue is that very few women report people because they are so used to it they don't see it as serious or because there is a distinct lack of trust in the system to do anything about it, but even if they do it will end up with the woman having her character and life torn to pieces by the defendants lawyer instead of the mans actions being seen as predatory.

43 minutes ago, MonicaPz said:

Hate is a people problem that can only be solved by love.

I could not agree with this sentiment more, which is why I will continue to dream of a day when people can live with one another respectfully instead of hating and fearing one another.

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Religion is a major factor in this. Almost every religion on earth, all that have come and gone and all that are still here, have placed men above women. It is/was the men that matter, whereas women were sold to the highest bidder and the spoils of war. Women were often married off by their fathers in a bid to elevate the status of the family. She had no say in the matter. Let's not forget a dowry. The groom-to-be had to pay the father for the girl. I have looked for a valid reason to satisfy my own curiosity, but every path I have gone down has led straight back to religion. Personally I think religion is a disease that people refuse to move away from. Have your beliefs, worship your god, but try to stay away from claiming any titles unless it is culturally significant. Jews are one example.


"I may seek approval and acceptance by women, but I know that while I want that, I would settle for polite tolerance by men."

Why would you do that to yourself? You should never settle to make someone else happy. Screw them. Your mission in life is not to make them happy. It is to make you happy. It is to protect your children and make sure they grow up happy and healthy. We both know men are not that special. Stupid, willfully ignorant, and a-holes, YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT. But that doesn't mean you have to bow to their will. It's those reasons and many more that make me hate men. That may sound weird coming from a transgender woman who was AMAB. But it may also make sense to some.

What I'm trying to say, is that if you have to settle in any situation, then the person isn't worthy of you. Kick them to the curb, and only associate with those who are worthy to be in your presence. I know that sounds narcissistic, but it's not meant that way. The only time I can see settling is at work or in the military, where you have those with a higher position of power or a higher rank. Then you have no real choice.

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2 hours ago, Blackangel said:

You should never settle to make someone else happy. Screw them. Your mission in life is not to make them happy. It is to make you happy. It is to protect your children and make sure they grow up happy and healthy.

Thanks BA. I am doing my best to believe this at my core, but it is taking a while. Thank you for saying it though. My own happinness was on hold for so long I still feel guilty for working towards it sometimes.


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Sometimes it takes a lifetime to achieve. And even then, sometimes it's just barely out of reach. But if a person is lucky, they have people in their life who are willing to lift them up so that they can get just a little bit closer, so they can at least graze it with their fingertips.

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