I apologize, first of all, for not being here very much the past few days.
I very much appreciate all the kind messages from you guys in concerns to my wellbeing, but please do not be insulted that I did not reply to your messages.
It's been sort of a habit of mine of late...
Online-friends will message my kik or skype, and I read them...Please know that I DO read them.
But...I cant get myself to reply. I have no words in mind, no fake smiles to share, or motives for my disappearance.
In truth, I have found that hole I used to hide in, and have fallen deep into it.
Fallen so deep that it is hard to decide what is up and what is down. I'm not sure what's wrong with me, to be honest. I'm just....so angry....and I dont know why.
I'm angry at everyone, all the time, over nothing. I'll wake up fine, and it'll be a normal day. Then it just hits me, without me even realizing it...I'm snapping at everyone, glaring at everyone, just all around being a very angry person.
I dont understand it either, and unfortunately it has made for a very stressful week.
When I'm not angry, I'm pitifully depressed.
My therapist has asked "do you think your emotions and depression and anxiety problems root from your gender identity problem?" and I had immediatly responded with yes.
But sometimes I wonder if its not.
I know these things have to come from somewhere, and depression doesnt just spring out of thin air. I know every branch has a tree, has a root, sourced from a seed.
But will being who I really am....really make me happy?
Will I really be able to wake up and start the day without wanting to curl up into a ball? I dont know. And I'll be honest with you guys, completely ****ing honest....I'm scared.
Scared that I'll go through all this, do what I need to do, lose a lot of friends and possibly my boyfriend...only to find out that it's not what I really wanted.
What if the man I turn into, isnt who I've been seeing in the mirror all these years?
I'm not going to lie. Not even a little.
It scares the **** out of me...when I think about that. I've heard the stories of transguys doing everything, only to realize that who they were 'pretending' to be was really who they were.
I've become afraid of intimacy in my whole confusion of self-identity. I dont like certain activities anymore. I avoid them. Sure I'll do it if it's only me, but otherwise....I dread it. And I dont even know why.
What's bugging me on a sidenote of ^^that^^ is the pain. I get the most annoying pain/cramping afterwards, for up to two days. No one knows why...Mentally I keep laughing it off and saying "It's my male side feeling violated and is angry at me". But medically it is kind of annoying.
I dont know...I just felt like rambling.
My harming has come back in a full swing, and I was stupid and didnt use cleaning alcohol before/after so now its all red and sore as hell.
I dont know why I do the things I do. I dont know why I say the things I say, or think the things I think, or act the way I act.
I just....do.
I cant help that. And even if you said I did, I wouldnt know where to begin.
I have another appointment with "Joan" on tuesday. I'm honestly not looking forward to it. At this point, I'd rather just curl up in bed and flip "the bird" at the world.
I dont want to deal with this crap anymore, especially when I dont know what crap I'm sick of, or why. I just am.
Good news is I lost more weight. Bad news is I dont know if its from the exercise that I've stopped doing, or just from my mood this week. Yay, I think?
If you guys need my kik, just private message me. I get your private messages in my emails on my ipod, but cant respond til I get on my laptop, which is never very soon. I can respond better on kik.