Hi Monica,
So good to see your blog post here, and an important question too. I think the answer is perhaps more subtle, just like there are differences between cisgender women.
Some are people that we're attracted to, like being with, or think similarly to us or the way we feel comfortable as friends or lovers. And others, well, we're not compatible with. Sometimes we call that chemistry.
I think the important difference is what is inside the person, regardless of whether she is a cisgender woman or transgender woman, and if she is trans, whether she is transitioning, transitioned, or crossdressing. There is no good or bad, better or worse, more or less. We are all people on this planet and all part of this wonderful community.
P.S. Okay, there are people who hurt others and those I put into the "bad" category, at least until they recognize their unacceptable behavior and atone for it.