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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2015 in all areas

  1. For the past week or so have been doing research on surgeons in my area for performing breast implants and finally found one but they are booked until May for consultations. Went to there office, made the appointment and took home several pages for them like anytime one sees a new doctor. I thought it was interesting but not surprised that surgeons and doctors have a list of people who had surgery recently as after giving the receptionist my name she pulled up my address and phone number. If all goes well hopefully I will have a surgery date before the end of this year which will complete my physical transformation.
    3 points
  2. Monica, Thanks for your insight. I have even discussed with one lady her results with a surgeon I was going to use and checked that one into the trash so I am doing due diligence :-)
    2 points
  3. Dear Karen, Please call several patient references before deciding on the surgeon. May I suggest you visit three different surgeons for consults. An excellent website is http://www.HealthGra...s.com. There are similar websites to HealthGrades that I would consult too, but I can not recall their names. Also, I would explore surgery that uses your own tissue instead of implants. I think there is a procedure where chest muscles are used to create breasts. Yours truly, Monica
    2 points
  4. Hi Warren, While I am also puzzled about "how" we become transgender, the effects of improper timing/amounts of hormones in the womb and all, the gender therapist I'm seeing (who has >40 years experience!) is confident that the number of MTF transwomen and FTM transmen is the same. She says that transmen are under-reported due to things like it's easier (more socially acceptable) for a transman to crossdress in masculine clothing which can mitigate their need for more expression or bodily changes. Not that that affects you but I thought you'd find it interesting. Hugs, Emma
    1 point
  5. Hey Warren If a person is toxic in your life, its sometimes better to treat the toxic as an allergy. Like you at work, I do have a few obstacles, but most wont even dare to confront me on be a sweet soft petite girl. I think they scared I'll punch their teeth out. My family will be stubborn and want to titlelize me as male, and then I shoot a look and all is well, they only argued once with me on shoes. I told them, my body, my rules, my life, my choices in life and I'll always be me. Funny enough when its a physical or dangerous problem, they run to the baby (which is me), if its money wise my mom runs to my older brother, oldest was never reliable. I know how toxic some people can be. My father had 11 siblings and all I wrote off as toxic and invisible. So I understand seeing that I was close to one, till I mentioned searching for a doctor and specialist. But you dont sound as cold or cut off from my emotions and people that doesnt mean anything to me. Hope the persons you want back in your life has a break through of understanding. Hugs Michele
    1 point
  6. Hey Ren, Yeah, I like that name too. It's less formal than Warren, but thats a cool name if you prefer. It's your choice, like I know guys that go by David or Robert, instead of Dave or Rob or Bob. Anyway, you've always been Warren for me... I'd like to start on the positive. How about work, huh? Look what you have done! I hope you have some pride in that. You deserve it. I hope also that you feel as special as you are when you hear your masculine name called. And, total kudos to your BF and you. It says a hell of a lot about he feels for you. He's a good guy or at least is trying to be. I hope you and him can hunker down and cheer each other on, be partners and best friends. It's so important to have a relationship like this. I love hearing about you and him. Okay, now the more difficult: family. Let's face it, we all bring a heck of a lot of emotional baggage and history, and our families want us to be a certain way, mostly so they can feel good about themselves. It's your life, Ren. I know it hurts a lot to not feel their love and support, and I am sorry about that. But: you be Warren. By being Warren, showing them that you're a kind, caring, and strong man, they will either come around... or they won't. You cannot control them. Consider the serenity prayer: change what you can and work on the wisdom to identify and let go of what you can't. It is hard, I am not kidding. But it is the path, maybe the only path. Also, try to enjoy the moment. Screw what went wrong in the past and worries about the future. What matters is what is in front of you now. Go give your BF a big hug and a kiss. I'll bet he needs it too. Hugs, Emma
    1 point
  7. Strange how support never comes from where you expect it, and springs up from places you never would have imagined. I don't mean to talk bad about your family, but I think your older sister is quite like many older sisters - they can be real b*#$%^s. That's why I was glad I never had one. Well, I do - a half-sister. But we did not grow up in the same household. And I'm glad. So, maybe it will just be her that will be a problem. If the rest of your family come around, her issue with you won't be so bad. I wonder if she's just stalling or blowing you off though (on behalf of your mum) considering she said she didn't want you around her kids until your "changes are made and final." Maybe she too, will be okay with you once you are transitioned. And yeah, like Emma said - you are Warren. Heck, even I cringe when I read your birth name. Not that it's a bad name. It's a fine name. For a girl. But I know how much I hate having to write my birth name. And to me...it just seems that all guys would be the same.
    1 point
  8. Hi Warren, I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties with your family. Support is so important and so many don't get enough from the people in their lives that matter most. I hope that you won't give up on your family, sometimes acceptance and support take time. On the bright side, I'm happy for you that work is going well. KML
    1 point
  9. Perhaps there is a Saturday market to sell your things at that are normally closed in the winter months but worth investigating.
    1 point
  10. Dear Warren, I think that's a great idea! Although I can only imagine how conflicted you must be about designing, making, and marketing such girly things. Too bad that the interest in jewelry for men seems to be so low. But is it? Maybe for men in their 20s? I'm sure you'd know or have a much better feeling for this than I. If you don't mind, I'd like to provide you with some wisdom on creativity. I've studied a lot about this and have a story to relate. A pottery class was divided into two groups. The first group was assigned to make one pot for the semester. They were told to make their designs, consider it all very carefully, and then make it. At the end of the semester a committee would judge which one was best. The other group was advised to make as many pots as they could, every day, every week. They would also choose their best at the end of the semester, to judge which was best. Maybe it's obvious but the second group won by a landslide. Focusing on perfection doesn't work. So make jewelry, lots of it. Like writing, don't worry too much about having a complete idea to get started. Just start. Anywhere. Some of it will suck. But maybe some will generate more ideas that you can riff on. And do it for the fun of it, for the joy you'll be providing your customers. If you create that joy the money will follow. Best of luck with this, Emma
    1 point
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