Hey Ren,
Yeah, I like that name too. It's less formal than Warren, but thats a cool name if you prefer. It's your choice, like I know guys that go by David or Robert, instead of Dave or Rob or Bob. Anyway, you've always been Warren for me...
I'd like to start on the positive. How about work, huh? Look what you have done! I hope you have some pride in that. You deserve it. I hope also that you feel as special as you are when you hear your masculine name called.
And, total kudos to your BF and you. It says a hell of a lot about he feels for you. He's a good guy or at least is trying to be. I hope you and him can hunker down and cheer each other on, be partners and best friends. It's so important to have a relationship like this. I love hearing about you and him.
Okay, now the more difficult: family. Let's face it, we all bring a heck of a lot of emotional baggage and history, and our families want us to be a certain way, mostly so they can feel good about themselves. It's your life, Ren. I know it hurts a lot to not feel their love and support, and I am sorry about that. But: you be Warren. By being Warren, showing them that you're a kind, caring, and strong man, they will either come around... or they won't. You cannot control them.
Consider the serenity prayer: change what you can and work on the wisdom to identify and let go of what you can't. It is hard, I am not kidding. But it is the path, maybe the only path.
Also, try to enjoy the moment. Screw what went wrong in the past and worries about the future. What matters is what is in front of you now. Go give your BF a big hug and a kiss. I'll bet he needs it too.