Dear Warren, You are in a VERY toxic environment. It seems she sees you as the most vulnerable person in her life, so she dumps on you. Am concerned that, as a man, you are establishing a history of allowing a woman to boss you about. Fear you may become a milque toast, and I have seen such men, not having respect for themselves. Am praying you get the job in security, as I think you would be very good at it. May I ask, does this happen in front of your boyfriend? Does he give you support in this, at least in private? She may be angry because if you identify as a man, she will see her son as a Gaymale. Sounds like she is extremely homophobic. First things first. Do everything you can to get a good job and KEEP IT. Never leave a job until you have another one waiting, as you want to avoid gaps in your resume. Challenge you to write a Pro/Con sheet . . . one for "If I Stay," and another for "If I Leave." Example of a Pro/Con sheet: IF I STAY PRO CON I live here rent free I am abused regularly The location is near my work I don't like her cooking She does my laundry She humiliates me in front of others If the "con" list is twice, three times or four times longer than the "pro" list, then I think your gut is speaking to you loud and clear. About living "rent free." First, you always want to pay rent of some kind for your self-respect (even if "rent-free" is offered to you). Second, YOU ALWAYS PAY RENT, IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER, even as being someone's emotional punching bag. In my opinion, your job is to become employed and STAY employed. A job is more than a paycheck . . . it is a source of self-esteem! Warren, you are in my prayers. YOU DESERVE GOOD THINGS IN YOUR LIFE! Your friend, Monica