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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Is it weird that you sharing your pic has bolstered me to be brave and share a pic of my own? Thank you for sharing. It means a lot. Also... definitely twins
    2 points
  2. Dear Karen and Eve, Noticed from the beginning the two of you DO look like twins! Last summer went to my first family reunion in decades (a bunch of homophobes) and regretted it. Many said snarky comments to me. As I was going home, I said to myself, "I don't know why, but I feel really lousy right now." It really hurt when, only ten feet away, a relative said, "what is SHE doing here?" Had I had my own transportation, I would have got up and left right then. Actually, I DID get up right then, and walked around the park, looking for a TLGB gathering, but no luck! My TLGB family is my REAL family! Hope you can find that life time love soon, that will accept your best friend, as her husband accepts you. Seems like the west coast is calling . . . Your friend, Monica
    2 points
  3. Dear Warren, Always a pleasure to hear from you, and I certainly love the background! Please allow me to comment on beastiality (and while I am at it, pedophilia). These DO NOT BELONG in ANY sexual orientation. The reason why is that animals and children do not have the capacity to make informed decisions, especially potentially life changing decisions. Adults are supposed to be GOOD STEWARDS of both animals and children, striving for their ultimate good. About depression, I would like to comment. As I understand it, one out of three or four will have battled depression in their lifetime, from mild to severe. Also, there are several kinds of depression, often treated differently. Have had feedback from several friends of mine who stated that anti-depressant medication CAN be addictive, and should be used cautiously. There is a difference between "situational depression" and "organic depression." Situational depression will lift as soon as the stressor that caused it is removed, such as a homeless person obtaining housing, or an abused person being removed from an abusive situation. Organic depression usually has no clear "cause." Be aware that we ALL have blue days, but we should be concerned when it stretches into months. Also, choose your doctor carefully, and be aware of situations where your doctor is chosen for you, especially by hostile family members. Have witnessed the mental health system be used as A WEAPON by hostile families and societies. Warren, I am proud of you for dealing with your depression and other issues forthrightly. Please reassess when your SITUATION improves, as some, if not all, MAY be situational, as you are presently living in a TOXIC SITUATION. Thank you for reaching out to others . . . Grateful for your friendship, Monica
    2 points
  4. ; Went to my best female friends family reunion and was a blast. Although I have known her for close to nine years have never met all the people who were there today, a rough guess of 30 family members and I left early, more were coming. I was seen (note I did not say treated) no different than any other cisgender female at the gathering. During the four hours I was there joined in to several conversations which was great as I much rather chit chat then simply sitting there only knowing her immediate family. In my last entry I touched on having a good support system. This woman has been there for me through both surgeries. Her three children treat me like family and her husband although had issues with me in the beginning has come around to accepting me. I have to say this family truly helped me leap a few hurdles during my journey.
    1 point
  5. Monica, I hope you dont mind but I quoted your depression section of your comment and added it as a comment on my depression video Thanks so much!
    1 point
  6. Eve, glad you saw the twin thing, several people at the gathering said the same thing. I was going to mention it but was not sure myself.
    1 point
  7. You look like twins! So glad that you're "fitting in" so well. Males, on the whole. do seem to be more "anti" than cis females in my experience. However, not exclusively.
    1 point
  8. Dear Warren, First, congratulations on your new job! It sounds awesome, and I can tell you're the right awesome guy for it. Good on you, too, that you put yourself out there to get it. I think we all know how hard that can be to do when we are feeling low or oppressed. And I'm sorry to hear about your struggle with saving up for your top surgery as well as the hurtful people you're encountering elsewhere. Doesn't it suck and isn't it amazing how many people like that there are in the world? I can only say that I am so glad we don't suffer such abuse here. Youre awesome, Warren, we all love and support you. Hugs, Emma
    1 point
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