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  1. Following on immediately from my previous entry regarding paint, which I should have posted 3-4 days ago. I think I might have developed a sixth sense, this is completely contrary to what some of my friends inform me, that they didn't think I had any sense at all! However I've digressed, apologies, over the last 8 months or so I have had feelings predicting things happening, starting with the thoughts that I needed to buy National Lottery tickets because I'd win, I did and yes I have won small amounts several times since, I am still left with the feeling that I will (not might) win a sizeable amount in the near future. That as a one-off feeling didn't really make me consider the female intuition thing on it's own, but this intuitiveness seems to have now grown to predicting where the traffic will either turn off, of carry on the same road in front of me when I'm driving. Of course I don't rely on this "intuition" other than not bothering to overtake the vehicle in front if I percieve that it will shortly change direction. Yes I drive too fast, compared to most others, it's an ex-biker thing, and also an ex-male thing too I suppose, but other vehicles do get in my way!! However back to this weird intuition, when I look back at my life I can see (and I discovered this in my teens which strangely is when cross dressing started) that if I desired something badly enough, It would happen eventually by one means or another, either by luck or eventually by my own efforts. An example would be in my early biker years wanting a decent motorcycle (in those days decent meant non-Japenese!), I had to do this by my own efforts with a small amount of luck thrown in. I started off with cheap junk and through repairs , renovations, and trading up ended up with a superb Norton Commando with engine modifications including increased capacity to 920cc, I just wanted that bike so much that it happened, but luck played it's part on the way with opportunities to sell high and buy low. The same can said of my transition from male to female, although at the start I just thought that I had a kinky fetish, I wanted to be able to wear certain provocative clothing and footwear that females wore, hell that was a real desire seeing girls dressed that way day in and day out, and eventually here I am, I've done that, and passed on to dressing comfortably as a female. I also had desires for boobs, well don't most males!, but no I mean my own, I always wondered what it'd feel like to have my nipples sticking out 4-5 inches in front of my ribs, and wobbling when walking etc., OMG this is sounding more and more like a fetish to me! LoL, however I desired them and they happened. So are desires and intuition linked or did the intuition happen because of hormonal changes, I'm not totally sure yet but I surely hope that the intuition thing increases, I love it! in fact I desire it. Cheers, Eve
    5 points
  2. In my previous entry I said goodbye, fully thinking that would be the case. A few fellow members have asked me to reconsider, and to be honest, after a week or so I did feel that I had "painted myself into a corner", I now feel that the paint has sufficiently dried to allow myself out, and continue with my entries. So apologies to anyone annoyed at this! Cheers, Eve
    4 points
  3. Hiya Eve. I Do believe in Female Intuition. Just before I Came-Out, I Started to get What I Thought, at the Time, were Pre-Predictive Thought's, as I Called Them. When I Spoke with a Female Friend about this, just after I Came-Out, She said to Me " You've Got Female Intuition ! " I Laughed at the time, but, I have had these Feeling's, A Lot, In The Last 4 Month's ! There has to be Something in it ! My Friend said to Me, a couple of Week's Ago, if I Am like this Now, what will I Be like, when I get on Hormones ? Now, There's a Thought ! Eve, Take Care, Best Wishes, Stephanie.
    4 points
  4. Good to see you have reconsidered
    4 points
  5. These last few months, I've been in a rut. A real rut. And on occasion this rut is deep, dark and I've had claw myself out of it. Thankfully, I've had friends who have been pulling me out of it, checking on me even though I have not asked for help. Often there is a great deal of shame in admitting that I need help, pride that I can conquer things on my own and also the feeling like I am troubling others with my problems. Though there are times where we all must walk alone with only the Lord Jesus holding our hand, it does not have to be that way. There are people there to help, just ask. Unfortunately, those who need the help, are in most cases, the least likely to ask. This weekend I went to the funeral of my cousin, who took his own life. He was struggling, but most in the family had no idea that this was going on. Several years ago, he lost a child, he lost his mother (my aunt) and recently his daughter has had struggles. I knew about her struggles. I was corresponding with her after reaching out, but had no idea that her dad was having difficulties of his own. They have no knowledge of my struggles and even though my mom knew what was going on with my cousin, she didn't tell me because she knew of my struggles and didn't want to burden me further. Does any of this make sense? The only conclusion I can draw from this is that we need to reach out and stay in contact with others who we care deeply about, because some day they may be gone. We also need to reach out to those people we don't know, who we suspect are having difficulty. My cousin did all sorts of things for complete strangers. He once bought new glasses for someone he saw at a restaurant who had duct tape holding together his glasses (even though he barely had enough money of his own). He constantly helped and lended a hand to anyone who was in obvious difficulty. The guy he bought glasses for, that story stands out because he posted something on Facebook. Well, I am heartbroken. Everyone is. I've having a difficult time accepting what happened.
    4 points
  6. Thanks Christie, as said to Karen it maeans a hell of a lot to me, thanks for saying so.
    3 points
  7. Eve, I'm not sure how much I believe in female intuition per se, but I think that transitioning, and as a result being more comfortable and more in touch with oneself might lead to a similar phenomenon. Put the other way, it's hard to be intuitive when you're trying to pass yourself off as someone you're not, that takes a lot of energy xoxo Christie
    3 points
  8. I can't imagine anyone being annoyed - so glad you're sticking around
    3 points
  9. Thanks Steph, we've had quite a few messages with one another.........
    3 points
  10. Hiya Eve. Your Help and Advice, I Take Seriously, and Thank You So Much, for All Your Help, Advice, and Support, So Far. Once Again Eve, Thank You Very Much. Also, I Am So Glad, that You Have decided to stay. If Anyone is Annoyed at You, that would Be Ridiculous ! Eve, Take Care, and Very Best Wishes, Stephanie.
    3 points
  11. Thanks Karen your message means a hell of a lot to me, thanks.
    3 points
  12. Great photos, great to see you smiling.
    3 points
  13. Last Wednesday was a good day. In the province of Quebec, even though medical services are covered by our provincial insurance, it is practically impossible to get a family doctor to follow us for any issue, problem or in my case, transition. I have to thank my psychologist... about three months ago when she wrote my letter recommending HRT and eventual GRS, she sent a copy of these to a doctor whom she knew specialized in treating LGBT folks. Well it didn't even take two days and to my surprise, the doctor's receptionist called me and scheduled an appointment for the August 12th and informed me the doctor would be taking me on as a new patient...I was floating with happiness!! So I went to my appointment last week and he proceeded to give me a full physical then proceeded to go over the letter from my psychologist with me. He immediately followed up by sending me for blood work and renewed prescriptions I was previously taking, then again immediately sent a fax to an Endocrinologist in Montreal for HRT recommending he start me on it asap. Two hours later I received a call from Montreal letting me know my appointment is set up for October 21st. It's a little while away but ok since I'm learning we cannot be in a rush during this amazing journey called transition. I have to say just knowing I'm finally going to start HRT has helped tremendously with my anxiety. I'm not shy to dress in public, mind you only casually as I haven't dared to publicly wear skirts or dresses yet but will go out wearing makeup and feminine tops. So before going to the movies with my step daughter Isabelle last Saturday, we stopped at Winners and I ended up trying on 32 different feminine articles of clothing and ended up buying some tops, a nice black dress, maxi skirt, leggings, joggers, sleepwear and a few other things... So now I'm wearing only female clothing when not working while at home and will start going out en femme more and more. I'm shy about wearing the skirts and dresses before HRT effects kick in but will eventually work up the courage to do it... I just wish I had more butt and boobs lol. Thanks for reading! Roxanne xoxo
    2 points
  14. So I wanted to dye my hair and so something I've never done. I was curious what colors to do and etc, then I saw a message from a good friend you know who you are! But you said something that caught my attention. "Stay Frosty". I love jack frost!!!!!!!!! Even the old legends So blue it is!!! This required some bleaching which I've never done. But, here's how it went! Opinions welcome lol before: after bleach: after: Not sure how I feel about it yet lol If I'm still not 100% thrilled with it, I had planned ahead and bought my usual black dye to fix it at a later time. I think next time I'll just stick to my black hairdye, much less hassle and OMG THE STAINS IN MY BATHTUB!!! Took another 2 hrs of scrubbing to get internet privileges back..... Your bud, Warren
    2 points
  15. Hiya Roxanne, Thank You for following Me, Love. I have just added some more on My Profile Page, on interests, about Music, if You are interested. Speak Soon Roxanne. Take Care, and Best Wishes, Stephanie.
    2 points
  16. Hiya Roxanne, Steph here. I Came-Out, as MtoF Transsexual, on 30th. April, 2015, and I Started Fully, Full-Time, Female-Dressing, and Living, on 1st. May, 2015, which included going-out in Public, Fully, Female-Dressed, for the First-Time, as well. I have to admit, that I was a little nervous, that first time. Now, however, being Fully, Full-Time, Female-Dressed, is Normal, for Me. I get on Buses, or Trains, wearing Pretty Tops, and Skirts, and Female Shoes. I Walk round the centre of London, when I go there, like it. I Am Proud to be "Out", as Transsexual, and I Am going the full route of Transitioning, with GRS, as well. Roxanne, I Hope that I Am of some encouragement, to You. Good Luck, Take Care, and Very Best Wishes, Stephanie.
    2 points
  17. Dear Lisa, It is true. Depression tends to run in families, but we need not be victims to it. There have been times where I spoke to a fellow diner at a restaurant, "do you mind me bothering you for five minutes, as I have something on my mind?" After I vented, I thank that person for listening, and for any comments they have made. Have done this on the bus or train, thankfully, not too often. A great resource is to call your local or nearest T/LGB Center. They will lend you an ear for a few minutes. Often, it only takes a few minutes of someone listening and caring, to make you feel better. You are welcome to share as much or as little as you wish here. You are among friends here at TGGuide. Your friend, Monica
    2 points
  18. Dear Roxanne, Generally good doctors make referrals to OTHER good doctors! They are like GOLD! Am so happy that you are forming a network of excellent doctors! Good doctors are well worth the wait! Rejoiced upon hearing about your mother and daughter outing! Your friend, Monica
    2 points
  19. Dear Ben, Agree with Karen about frustration with weight. As long as you are doing everything to manage your weight, you will have to acknowledge that it is on the DOCTOR who is criticizing you, rather than on YOU. Feel in the coming years and decades that there will be real answers as to why some are slim and trim and others have a tendency to put on the pounds. Have a slim and trim doctor who does NOT nag me about my weight because she knows I am doing all I can to manage it, but if she did, I would seek out a doctor of size (preferably female). We are ALL different and all beautiful, each in our own way! Your friend, Monica
    2 points
  20. Dear Warren, In my opinion, I feel a dark brown/black makes you look more masculine. Yours truly, Monica
    2 points
  21. So today was my first endo Appointment. It did not go as I'd hoped, but not for the reasons i thought. I knew that I would not start testosterone today. Let me be clear about that, right away. I was however hoping that I would find out when I get to start. I got lost on my way to the clinic because Yale New Haven Hospital is a Zoo! New Haven is a terrible smattering of crazy drivers and one way streets. Think of it like as tiny New York filled with even more assholes. I was late even though I set out to be 20 minutes earl I was twenty minutes late. Got charged 6 bucks for parking at the hospital. Maybe I'm just a country bumpkin, but Charge me as I'm trying to get medical treatment, WTF? By ten minutes in it was clear that I wouldn't be starting soon, there was discussion of who diagnosed me with gender identity disorder? Was I not being clear enough? How hard do i have to hate myself before people help with the problems I actually have. I'm sick of doctors appointments and of doctors. As she explained what my body would do on T, i got the slight inclination that she was nervous. I'm not blindly jumping into this, it's not that I'm claiming I knew everything she told me but i did know I'm not gonna be a supermodel. I have no misconceptions that I may end up looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame and that T may make my insulin resistance worse... I don't give a damn. Also if one more person informs me that I'm overweight I'm going to lose my shit! (Is there some secret to weight loss that will help me lose 60 lbs in a week or month?) I have been patient I waited three months just to speak to her! Just not a good day at all. I'm so disappointed. Also i have the final draft of my spoken word poem I will post it soon.
    1 point
  22. Thinking in line with my last post on "use it or lose it" I thought it was appropriate to tell you about a viberator that in my honest opinion is a must have. I know several woman that is a viberator and most have the larger ones for penetration while one woman I know uses one that is for clitorial stimulation. I have been using a medium size penis shaped viberator that is average length of a penis and decent girth. It does the job but takes a while to climax. It can be used with or without lubricant but two months ago I needed lube. So with me being constantly aroused last night and today I needed something better. When I say constantly aroused I mean in the car driving to the store, in the store also. The cause was how my underwear was rubbing up against my sensitive area. So I am looking at the various mini-viberators, they start out at $29, then to $39 then finally $59. The sales lady asked if I wanted any of them opened so I could inspect them which I did. Then I was just about ready to purchase the $39 one she said there is one more and it's very popular, the Tango. She said it is rechargeable via a USB cable, has eight settings and if you hold the on/off button to turn it off it will remember the last setting used so one does not have to cycle through the settings. I went and did some grocery shopping, came home and setup the Tango to charge which in the manual says 90 minutes but was finished in 30 minutes. So now I get undressed thinking this could be great or a let down. Played with a few settings and hit on one that does heavy vibrating, stops for a split second, does a different vibrate then back to the start again. Didn't know it at the time but when I found the "right spot" guessing in five minutes my toes were curling, spasming to the point I was going to pull it off but decide I am hooked and this is so much better than it's big brother, the penis shaped dildo. Let me say this, I can easily do without being penetrated by a penis with this lovely and incredible viberator. Yes skin touching skin is best but there are times when I am alone and horny and not wanting to get dressed, depend on the other person in the mood etc. The viberator is well constructed, just the right size and oh my God, the tip is flat on one side and goes to a point and I can not describe in words what the shape does for me but gives me a extraordinary orgasm bar none. Only down side is the price is $89 but it's worth every single penny. Check it out even if you are not interested in purchasing one to see what it looks like. I will say the site is boring yet that's fine when the product is fan-f**king great. http://we-vibe.com/tango
    1 point
  23. LADIES AND GENTS PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO CHECK THIS OUT!!! http://www.ustranssurvey.org/ Bring some awareness to our existence!
    1 point
  24. Dear Lisa. As Monica says, share as much, or as little as You like, but, please remember, You ARE Among Friends here. Please Do Not Be Alone. If You Need Help Sweetheart, Please, Please, Ask On Here. You Take Care Lisa, and Remember, We Are here for You. Best Wishes, Stephie.
    1 point
  25. Unfortunately disappointment in transitioning is part of the journey, no beating around the proverbial bush, I had so many but rather than stay mad at the world I got over it and made me stronger rather than weaker and be in despair. One must push through this, learn from it and move on. In regards to over weight, you know, not everyone can be in their perfect weight range and those whom are telling you this need to realize this and be respective to you in that you might be one that is hard to lose weight while you need to make an effort and prove to them you are making an effort. I so hope that you will move forward no matter the obstacles put in your path.
    1 point
  26. Not much to update until my consultation aside from someone accusing me of having HIV for being trans and refusing to allow me to serve them a drink because they "werent sure of transgenderism is contagious as it seems to be spreading like HIV and filth". Yay me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK_jvDoBll0 my new video Warren Also, going to dye my hair. Not sure what color. Past colors in below photos: Open to suggestions
    1 point
  27. Hiya Karen. Pink or Blue. I Would Choose Pink ! My Favourite Colour ! Karen, Have Plenty Of Fun, And Enjoy Yourself ! By The Way, I Did The Test, and, Like You, Scored Myself 5.5. Both Number 3 Columns Meant Business, For Me As Well. Karen, You Are So Helpful, Thank You So Much Sweetheart. Speak Soon. Take Care. With Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo
    1 point
  28. One slap coming up once on my road trip In regards to a "go bag" or "bug out bag", I keep one at work with focus on CERT where I am part of the core team in Salem Oregon and also an instructor. Off in left field, when I went for instructor training most had more expertise then me and had been EMT professionals. At first I was surprised that 90 percent of them smoked then figured it out. Back on track, have another "go bag" in my car trunk. The first one indeed has a firearm while the second does not. The last one at home has an AR and 22 rifle sitting there next to the bag. Okay, this might be a slap on the back of the head thingie, some might wonder, why two rifles at opposite ends of the caliber spectrum. If I was being attacked by intruders during civil unrest more likely than not it will be a pack of scumbags. If you shot with the AR they split apart but if yeah shot one or two with the 22 they are more likely to come to the rescue of the one's shot. While doing so I change up to the AR (or my bear rifle) and that is all she wrote. I don't advocate ever senselessly shooting another human unless my life was dependent on it. Lastly, I am in a group that we all meet in the country and are well prepared to fend off intruders and live comfortably as one can in the woods for extended periods of time. We have two brothers who are Marine sharpshooters for the outer borders
    1 point
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