Hiya Brigsby. Fortunately, You can choose Your Friends, But, Unfortunately, You cannot choose Your Family ! Your Friends, they are the Family, that You choose for Yourself ! Brigsby, My Parent's blew My Family apart, nearly 18 Year's ago. My Mother, is Nothing but a Complete Control Freak ! I have had No contact whatsoever, with Most of My Family, since. There were just 10, that I did, and the only 2, that I did see, are now sadly passed-away. The only contact I have with the other 8, is card's in the post, on Birthday's, and Christmas. Brigsby, cherish Your True Friend's, the one's who stick by You no matter what ! Here at TGGuide, You are in a Very Safe, and Friendly Environment. Brigsby, I Came-Out, as Transsexual, on 30th. April, 2015; and I started Fully, Full-Time, Female-Dressing, and Living, on 1st. May, 2015. I Am happier now, than ever Before ! Brigsby, I truly hope, that You can find Happiness ! My advice, to You, would be to completely cut ties, with Your Family, change Phone Number's, change E-Mail Addresses, Etc. ( I know it might be hard to do, but, it will be well worth it ! ). Brigsby, Live Your Life, for Yourself ! Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes to You. Regards, Stephanie.