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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2015 in all areas

  1. So, I joined chorus because I enjoy singing. But we have concerts during the winter and spring. I found out last week that we had a chorus concert coming up on December 16th. We have to wear something formal to, and you know what that means. Dresses and suits and all of that fancy stuff. Im not into dresses or skirts, but I know my mom is going to try and force me into wearing a dress. I don't want to either. My boyfriend told me to refuse, and that is what I am going to do. And if that doesnt work then I will say: "if my dad wears a dress then i will," and i doubt my dad will put on a dress and go to see me at my chorus concert in a dress. Although it might piss off both my mother and father that i refuse to wear a dress, they have to realize that they cant control everything I do.
    2 points
  2. You should do what feels right and comfortable to you, a compromise of sorts though might be in order, a suit that is androgynous, not male, not female.
    1 point
  3. Hello, I can sympathize with you on the first steps of going public full time and can tell you it does get easier as time passes to the point you will not even think about "do I look presentable", "am I walking correctly" or "is my voice proper". In regards to eye-liner, had the same problem so I went and had permanent cosmetics done two years ago since then look great all the time. It's not cheap in regards to the cost but when you consider down the road there is no fuss in the mornings or touch-ups throughout the day it's well worth the cost. Also, hormones, the longer you are on them the majority go through many changes that are usually small and seem unnoticed by you but wait and at some point people will tell you they see no similarities from say one year ago till present.
    1 point
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