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  1. Today my mother and I went out to get a tree. I picked out a blue spruce. It's really pretty and smells good. We are still putting on the ornaments but it looks really nice. Christmas will always be my favorite holiday.Theres our tree!
    2 points
  2. Sorry if this is contrary to some of the comments above, I don't mean to be controversial or hurt the feelings of others. But although I said the exact same phrase to people over a year ago "I'm still the same person that has not changed" and to the greater extent it was true at that time, it has now been proven to me that I have changed, I'm not the same person dressed differently, with a different physical appearance anymore. Mentally I have changed enormously, I'm no longer so black and white with my opinions thoughts and actions, I'm now quite mellow and more patient, don't loose my temper anywhere near as much as I used to, my views have changed, my tastes have changed, I'm more open minded and accepting of new ideas, I think differently than I used to. Yes some things are still there such as skills learnt as a male, fast driving, mechanical engineering skills, attention to detail, still like old railways, cycling, walks etc., but now these are complimented with nice gardens, plants, flowers, clothes & apparel, cooking, house and home etc.. However, the phrase, however hollow it becomes in time, is what others who knew your previous existence, want to hear as a consolation.................. Thoughtfully, Eve
    1 point
  3. It has been awhile since I last posted. I ended up having more issues with anxiety and depression in Oct and Nov. Though, I feel like I am finally coming out of it. Work was really stressful the last couple of months, which did not make things any better. My productivity over the last month has been great and everyone is pleased, but the environment I work in is difficult at best. On a positive note, I posted some updated photos of me. I've lost a considerable amount of weight and am filling in nicely. I lost 45 lbs over the last 5 months and am down to 160 lbs, which is what I used to weigh 2+ years ago. I basically stopped drinking alcohol and cut back a bit on consumption. Also, no sweets and junk food. I also have been getting to bed early (around 8 or 9pm) and getting plenty of sleep. I feel so much better. I have sleep apnea and I am sleeping better because I lost the weight. The best part is that those pictures are all me. No shapewear and padding, except for a padded bra. Up until about 3 or 4 weeks ago, my wife hated seeing me dressed. Didn't want to be around it etc. But now, I am presenting much better and she thinks I look great and is happy for me. She wants to buy me female stuff and shop for me. In some ways, it bothers me. Transwomen feel an intense pressure to meet some sort of standard that society puts on us. Gender is viewed as binary. And hate feeling like I have to look a certain way to fit in. But unfortunately, that is the reality of our lives. Women are judged by how they look, particularly by other women. But I am glad that my wife now feels better about this. She and I are still not intimate, have not been for a couple of years nor do I expect her to be. But after her struggling with this new version of me for three years, it is good to see she is more positive about this. Looking ahead, I will be speaking to my children soon. As well as work. I know exactly what I will say. I hope that everyone has had a good week. Love, --Lisa
    1 point
  4. That looks like such a lovely scene! Thank you for posting it.
    1 point
  5. Hiya Jay, and Karen. Karen, that is One Expression, that I will have to remember. It Is a Simple, but, Effective Expression. Jay, this is the thing about TGGuide, when Lovely Friends, like Karen Payne, give advice like that, which is Great. Karen, Thank You. Jay, and Karen, enjoy the rest of the Weekend, Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xx
    1 point
  6. I'm not really sure if this is allowed or if I will be in trouble for this later, but I wanted to try. I havent many others to talk to right now, and I'm about to do a bit in my/our journal as well to let him know that this is being done. I know this may seem very strange to some of you, or all of you, but I feel as if I will go insane if I do not make my presence known to at least those within this site. Facebook is not a good place for me I believe. At least, most parts of Facebook. And I am not comfortable making my presence known to many within that site due to fear of rejection or possibly disbelief in my existence. I am not sure why this particular site seems more comfortable, but it is at the present time and I'm sure if needed....This blog post may be deleted at a later date if it is so desired. I believe that Ren has expressed his knowledge of myself although I do think that he has perhaps kept himself in denial to it, in fear of seeming a "freak". I assure him that this situation does not render him as such but of course, in this generation, appearance and mentality seems to be the root of reputation. I suppose this is a sort of experiment to see how my "coming out" will render in his life or if I should simply remain his ghost. But I wanted to introduce myself regardless, on the off chance that I happen to assist in his writing and the manner of speaking seeming rather odd for his personality. To at least clear up a little confusion as to his "style" of writing if and when it is occasionally altered. As he has become more and more aware of my existence, he has surprisingly been more willing to allow me participation in daily activities. So I expect to, hopefully, become more acquainted with this "family" within Transgender Guide. My name is Alexandru Dorian Vlk. I am twenty three years of age, male by all available descriptive purposes considering our outter shell, and yes; I am perfectly in agreeance to the status of being transgender. Although I do not personally identify as transgender myself as it is rightfully Warren's shell and not my own. I am merely a tenant. I am open to conversation and available to answer any questions, and I accept the pronouns of masculinity and the shortnames of all Alex, A, and A.V. Please do not believe me a figment of created imagination, as I do fully assure you otherwise,though your beliefs are of your own and I am not one to try and sway you from them. I am simply, as I previously stated, making myself known. I do greatly hope that this will not cause any unintended chaos or disruption, as it is not something in my wishes. If I am to contribute to this blog, if it is so allowed by Ren, then I will initial or sign with my own name at the beginning of paragraphs so that you may dissociate my thoughts and the such from Warren's. This is a bit new to myself as I am not normally allowed to front, but it is something that I intend to practice, if only in private if it is so desired. I want to brush up on my typing and writing skills, and perfect' my shorthand in due time. Matka vám žehnaj , A.
    1 point
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