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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2016 in all areas

  1. Yes, Ebbing and Flowing, how I remember that, there's no need for embarrassment, I suspect many before have experienced it, for me the tides have slowed and almost disappeared, but it took time and hormones to achieve this within a stable environment. So, now "batting for the other side" as my partner once put it, I can say that it's a very much more peaceful and interesting life, there's not much that I miss about my former existence when in the "other team', this I found to be unexpected, but also welcome. To put it into nautical terms it's like seeing a severe storm brewing up slowly for a long time, going through some extremely rough, choppy and confused waters with huge waves of consequences all around you, to then come through the storm and find that the waters are calming down, eventually to find flat waters and calm sailing. I should leave nautical explanations to Veronica really ........... Anyway we're all here for you, so put your best foot forward and get going.............................. Eve xx
    3 points
  2. Dear Steph, Eve, Veronica, Thank you for your sincere and kind words. I feel that I should make a poster out of them and put them all on my wall. I promise that I will save and treasure them, and you. I am a little embarrassed here. Still feeling on edge and sensitive. I know from experience that these feelings come and go, ebb and flow, and in the intensity of the moment like last night I tend to catastrophize it all into binary, black or white, live or die. I suspect you know what I mean. Darn it, we are good people, loving people, and we just want to be loved and appreciated for the beauty that we have within and without, regardless of our birth sex, gender, or truegender. So, thank you again for writing. I truly appreciate your kindness. Love, Emma xxxoooxxx
    3 points
  3. ​Hiya Emma. I bet You find the feelings get stronger each time. They did with Me, before I " Came-Out", which in itself, was like having A Massive Weight, Lifted-Off, Both Of My Shoulder's. Emma Sweetheart, You have absolutely No need to feel embarassed. We are Your Friend's that You are Speaking with. Emma like Eve, I also think that You are getting to the point of Not wanting to carry on living as You are, anymore and realising that You have to change. It Is Scary, Yes. Emma, when You feel like the time is right to change, go for it. We Are Here For You, When You Do. Sweet Lady, I Am So much Happier, Living Full-Time as the Female, that I have Always been inside. I think You may well feel the same way when You Change, and I think it may happen sooner, rather than later. When it Does happen, Embrace It, and Enjoy It ! Emma, Good Luck, Good Health, Take Care, And My Love And Very Best Wishes, Big Hugs, Stephanie. xxxoooxxx.
    1 point
  4. This time last year I was preparing for gender reassignment surgery. Seems like years ago, like a distant memory.
    1 point
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