So I think summer has finally hit. Or it's all a cruel, Bree-squashing joke of the weather and global warming. But the pool is up, there has been swimming, Nikki's mood is lifting steadily as the Zoloft seems to be taking effect, and there is talk about getting the grill cleaned up and prepped for the season. We planted one of those gorgeous Japanese Seiryu maples on the side of the house, please live little tree, take the transplant well. Gave it root encouragement liquid (dunno what else to call it) and fertilizer and keep it watered while it adjusts to it's new surroundings. If left to my own devices I'll turn that side yard into a little grove of nothing but small trees. I have some sort of daylily I think growing along side the house, gorgeous purple flowers...that are too heavy for the stems and dragging on the ground, amusing Nikki. Poor plants. And the Great Detangling of the Honeysuckle must occur once I get off my lazy rear and go buy some new trellis to train it along. I think it's time to get some lily of the valley planted. The overarching scent of my childhood is lily of the valley and honeysuckle. It was everywhere in my grandparent's yard, and all the memories have that smell attached to them (Unless it was winter). I love those smells. It's funny how as children we are racing to get out into the world and away from home, then as adults spend so much time trying to recreate those childhood homes. At least the plants were easy to care for ones, I'm Death Incarnate to roses and other fussy plants. Nikki says they literally quail at the site of me at the store, he can see their quaking branches as I pass. Things are very mellow here, he's happier than he's been in a long time, so I'm relaxed and able to focus on Bree things a bit, and only three more months of toxic job from hell for me. Next summer is going to be even better when I don't have to go there. SO we're all still alive and well here, just knee deep in getting everything set up for summer fun. Now if you'll excuse me, I have got to go find something for this bug bite rash, they ate me while I was weeding. LIttle insect jerks who eat people alive.