Hi there I know the different rapes that occurs with victims and perpetrators. I also know I made it seem as an insignificant occurrence, but if you went through previous blogs, you would see that I'm a rape survivor, and the majority of the times I face adversity head on. I can't and won't back down, for any person attacking my gender, person, or that of a loved one. I also refuse to back down while on duty, unless the odds is so stacked against me, that I'll end up endangering everyone around me. Reasons I can't back down: 1. Human right, to live and let live; 2. Freedom of speech and expression; 3. With ignorance come the ability to be taught, only once that person accepts defeat and acknowledges the multi-complex world we live in; 4. Putting myself in the firing line, means the fight for equality stops sooner then later, and as I said bring it on; 5. What can they do to me to make me suffer, been there done that wrote the book and I'm wearing the scars, and death becomes us all. It's the legacy we leave behind that makes us immortal; 6. I would rather have myself in danger, antagonizing my attacker. Then my attacker taking on someone who is unprepared and soft to the point they might not recover from the attack; 7. As you said, rape is about power, and a rapist loses his power when he can't evoke an emotional meltdown of fear. So, do I have to fear an allegation that I'm in danger, or make that person or persons feel as insignificant as a fart that ripped through the silent air as if a thunderstorm was on it's way. Facing an attacker usually has the effect where upon they turn around and run for protection from their parents. Now how can I fear that? I'll keep a watch on my surroundings, but I already do that, so my life goes on as usual, no changes, no higher alerts for safety, no crawling under a rock to hide from the big bad wolf for me. And don't let my appearance as timid draw you in to relax that I'm easy. Cheers for now. Be safe and look after yourself. Hugs and kisses Michele