Waiting for my hair to dry out, and then I'm putting the one thing about my physical form I feel good about into...Nikki's hands. He's going to first bleach it, then dye it deep emerald green. I'm finally going to have my dream hair, my favorite color, green. I've been trying to do my part to help find the balance between Nikki's two sides, and have invited him as far into the girl world as I go, which isn't far really, when someone online is judging me purely on behaviors and interests they usually assume I'm male until it comes up and I realize it and say um...nope, sorry. I guess I'm horrible at being girly, so I just go for being me and not giving a crap. But sometimes I wonder if my lack of girlness is not helping right now. But anyway, my hair. So instead of going off on my own or calling one of my girlfriends I put the stuff in Nikki's hands and said let's do this. I think he's kinda excited about that, and mentioned that he'd like me to do his (he's eyeing this lovely black shade with deep shimmery sapphire highlights we saw when I was picking up a processing cap for the bleaching). I'm super excited! I think it'll look great on him. I"m extremely nervous as despite all the color play I've done with my hair, I have never bleached it before. I always just went with the subtler shades if I was lightening it (often used a blond dye in the winter to get my dark hair to something close to its summer red) or hennas. Fairly gentle to the hair itself. If my hair wasn't so dark I wouldn't do it, but it's really dark and gets darker with age and I'd like more than the really really subtle color it would have if i didn't bleach it. So wish me luck! And, hopefully, Nikki will have a blast. Or at least not blind me with bleach in my eyes.