I'm not sleeping with Nikki tonight, last night I had such an awful time trying to sleep waking up from the coughing, which is dramatically lessened by sitting up, that I think i"m hitting up ye olde recliner soon with my cozy microfiber snuggle blankets. And probably the dog, I don't feel like dragging my lazy butt upstairs to crate her, look at my bed, and slink back down. And he's geting up for work in a half hour. LOL The wind has finally died down and I didn't hear any really worrisome noises other than my cat jumping headfirst into the wall for some inexplicable reason known only to him, and possibly the wall. Honest Bree, I do NOT have the laser pointer in my hand, I"m not even sure what I did with it and did not encourage that moment of feline misadventure. I'll check the roof tomorrow to make sure though, my aunt assures me that is what you do in Ohio after every storm, gotta check that roof! My native sleep pattern is working out nicely though, most of the time I'm still up to say hi to him when he gets up, then I sleep during the day while he's at work, and am awake and happy to do whatever during the hometime, then the boring houseework while Nikki sleeps. It's a good system. At least I'm coherent and not on that weird Nyquil thing like last night, that's a plus.