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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Dear Mike, Am sorry to hear that your mother can not accept that she has TWO sons, and NO DAUGHTERS. Wish she was like me, in that she would rejoice on having HEALTHY CHILDREN! Personally, I would not care what gender my children are, and if I was hoping to having an opposite gender child from the children I already had, there are MANY FOSTER children DYING to have a home, so that I could adopt the daughter I always wanted. Have never been the kind of woman who wanted children of one gender over another. If I did not struggle with my health issues and low income, I would have FOSTERED TO ADOPTION (which I think ALL adoptions should be this way) transgender children, especially if I was in a solid, healthy, stable relationship. Also, I STRONGLY BELIEVE transgendered children and homosexual children are that way due to ORGANIC reasons, having nothing to do with child rearing or their home life. Not only that, I do not believe ADULT EXPERIENCES cause transgender and homosexual issues. The bottom line, Mike, is that your mother is causing her own misery! Your friend, Monica
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